Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Xbox360 pwnage

I bought an Xbox360 Friday night.Went to my favorite little video game store(Game-X-change) to holler at my buds that work up there and lo-&-behold,they've got not just 1,but 3 Xbox360's!!Apparently not everyone is sold out after all.Anyway,i bought Dead or Alive4,Project Gotham Racing 3 & Perfect Dark Zero.

Now this is the game that I have played the most by far.Mainly because I had to play through the story mode with each character at least once to open up the hidden Halo character.The story is alot more involved this time and really helps make the game more involving.I've always thought the DOA games had a better story than most other fighting games anyway(just not a better fighting engine).The fighting is faster and alot more fun as well.My only complaint comes from the new boss character,Alpha 152.She is very hard and very cheap.The online experience is still just as laggy as DOA Ultimate ,but is still the best online fighting you can get.My favorite new Character is the Halo character,Spartan 458(or Nicole).She is a total brawler character and inflicts loads of damage.Overall this is by far the best in the DOA series .

This is the real reason I ever wanted an Xbox360.I have been a huge fan of this series ever since it was on the Dreamcast as Metropolis Street Racer.When PGR2 came out I cracked out on it for over a year,the Live integration was perfect.PGR2 also to the series to new heights with things like "The Showroom","The Garage mode",Geometry Wars,the absolutely amazing list of cars,lots of cities,Nurburgring,the beautiful graphics,etc.,etc.,I could go on and on.So let me cut to the chase,I am very upset that they sacrificed the Porsche cars in favor of the Lamborghini's(and no a Ruf is not the same nor as good).I would rather have the plethora of Porsches from PGR2 than the handful of Lambos from PGR3.I mean how can you truly call your list of world renowned supercars complete without havin the Carrera Gt,The 911 GT-1,the GT-2,the GT-3,959,etc.,etc.There are also alot of other cars missing from PGR2 that I wish were'nt.Why is it that the Need for Speed series always seems to have all the european cars but yet PGR3 doesn't?I just don't get it.I really have delved too deep into the game yet so all those opinions might change slightly(although nothing is gonna change my mind about the loss of the Porsches).

So let me just something real quick before I start,everything I am about to say is based purely on my single player experiences as I have not played it on Live yet.With that said,Perfect Drak Zero sucks ass.Period.Why does it suck ass?Inconsistent graphics ,no jump button(how archaic is that?),worst.level design.ever.,laughably forgettable story,horrible voice acting,gun play is not that fun,the original Perfect Dark that came out in 1995 is still more fun to play.MAN I WISH I WOULDA BOUGHT CALL OF DUTY2...OR QUAKE 4...OR ANY OTHER FPS FOR THAT MATTER!!!I am very disappointed in this game.microsoft hyped this baby up for all those months and then handed us a gold plated turd.The reason why I haven't played it on Live yet?I'm not sure if I can stomach playing it anymore.So no,I don't really like it.

And I have ,of course,downloaded the demos and what not.

Fight Night Round 3 is simply amazing.The graphics are breathtaking and the whole experience is so engaging that,while watching a friend play last night,i was hooting and hollering like I was watching a real fight.

Kameo is excellent ,much better than the reviews it's been getting(unless the demo is the only good part of the game).

Condemned is alright,it's pretty and a little freaky,but not great.

Full Auto is really fun and I look forward to purchasing the full game when it comes out.

Quake 4 is very fun and not choppy like all the media has been saying.I'm definately buying it and Call of Duty 2 next.

With that said I'm pretty happy with the console overall.ILOVE the 360's dashboard and Live integration.I've spent alot of time just toying around with the blades.Oh and streaming pics and music from your pc is also very cool(just wish the videos worked).Heres to hoping for alot of quality games in the coming months.

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