Friday, May 25, 2012

Darkets of Days PC Demo Impressions

Earlier I downloaded the demo for Darkest of Days off of Steam and gave it a try.Going into the demo the only thing I knew about this game was the quick little preview I saw in GameInformer,which equals not much.I started the demo out as a man named Morris in the Battle of Little Big Horn fightin' "injuns" (seriously,that's how the subtitles in the game spell it,awesome right?).After being impaled by an arrow,it's obvious that the battle is lost.But right before you die a portal opens up in front of you and out steps a dude from the future who is here to save your sorry ass.

You then find yourself in the future talking to some woman's eyes on a computer screen.She informs you that they can travel through time (only backwards) and that some dudes are missing and something about space-time-continuums.Anyway,after going through some "training" (tutorial) you are sent on a mission to save some dude in the Civil War.

The game play seems to be pretty standard fare with the exception of some cool things like an active reload system (think Gears of War) and a map that probably impressed me more than it will most people (I like how he holds it up in front of him in real time,but you can still move the cursor around and zoom in,don't judge me).I also noticed that in some parts the game is on rails,funneling you to where you need to go,but still giving you the ability to aim and shoot.I guess that's a good idea if you want to keep people from getting lost.

What really got me interested in the game was after I played the demo.From the main menu screen you can watch the trailer for the game where it shows your guy taking out dudes from way back in the day with weapons from the future.Even as far back as taking out Roman soldiers sporting shields and spears with your fully automatic machine gun.To me,the idea of going back in time and fighting in old battles/wars with modern weaponry is a really enticing concept.I'm definitely thinking about picking this game up when it releases next month pending any major technical problems of course.
Has any one else tried this game?What do y'all think about it?
Update: I bought this game and it sucks , don't be fooled by the demo.

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