Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Angry Blog

So I had a fuckin' shitty day today, but it wasn't just today, the last two weeks have fuckin' sucked. The last few games I bought have all fuckin' blown in one way or another and there's been some pretty shitty fuckin' news too. So here's my fucked up list of fucked up shit that's had me pissed off lately:
  • Bayonetta, Bayo-fuckin'-netta, I read all the reviews talkin' about how awesome it was, so naturally I had to buy it. So here I am, almost done with the game and I have no fucking idea what the story is about, I know maybe two combos and can someone please tell me how the fuck you "concoct" shit. So yeah, fuck that game.
  • Bioshock 2, I realize they had to get like 5 devs to finish that game, but some of the bugs in that game are just fuckin' lazy, like how I have my sticks set to southpaw but when I spawn in a vita chamber they reset to default until I exit the vita chamber. Or how when I press the button to get my little sister to tell me where to find the bodies for her to poke, that shit doesn't work. But more than all of those things, can someone please explain to me why the fuck my character, who is this big, bad ass "Big Daddy", can't take as much damage as the regular ass dude you play in the first game? I finished the first Bioshock on "hard", but it takes less damage to kill my character in Bioshock 2 who is a fuckin' "Big Daddy" AND  I'm playing on "normal" difficulty, fuckin' pisses me off. So yeah, fuck that game too.
  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2, so yeah, I've been around long enough to know that every so often the game industry gets a huge crush on a particular game that maybe doesn't deserve it, this years example is Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I was really looking forward to this game after reading all the glowing reviews about how great the single player AND multiplayer was and about how DICE was going at Infinity Ward head-on. Many people were even saying that it was better than Modern Warfare 2, well allow me to clear this shit up by saying that those motherfuckers are WRONG. Bad Company 2, while still a good game, is nowhere near as good as Modern Warfare2, not in single player and ESPECIALLY not in multi player. The graphics aren't as good, the framerate isn't as good, and the controls are nowhere near as good. The maps are too big, the pace is too slow the vehicles fuckin' suck. Sorry video game industry, but this game isn't even in the same league as Modern Warfare 2.
  • Activision/Infinity Ward Activision has got to be the dumbest fucking mega corporation on the planet, have they never heard the old phrase,"you don't bite the hand that feeds"? Obviously not, otherwise they wouldn't have fired Vince Zampella or Jason West. These motherfuckers created Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, and guess what, whatever they make next will probably be bigger than all of these, except this time the OTHER motherfuckers will be publishing it.And let's forget about who is right or wrong in this or whether or not IW was talking to other publishers, because the fact is that if Activision had been keeping them happy then none of this shit would have happened at all. Those motherfuckers should have been doing everything in their power to keep IW happy. Activision should have just let them keep raking in the billions and been glad that they were a part of their company. Activision is run by fucking morons, because at the end of the day all they own are some fucking names. So yeah, fuck you Activision.
So that pretty much wraps up my rant, if you were at all offended by what I wrote then, well, I fuckin' warned ya.

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