Friday, May 25, 2012

Perfect Dark XBLA

Just a quickie here,in case anyone was stuck under a rock during e3,Microsoft had some pretty big announcements at their press conference.Oddly some potentially big announcements were altogether left out only to be quietly announced later.Perhaps the biggest of these was the long awaited Perfect Dark Zero for XboxliveArcade.For me personally this is a gargantuan announcement,lord only knows what kind back room deals were made with Nintendo to make this happen.

Perfect Dark was not only my favorite game on the N64,it's also one of my favorite FPS's of all time.Simply being able to play the game with twin sticks on my Xbox360 would have been enough for me,but the good folks at Rare/Microsoft saw fit to add upscaled HD graphics,Achievements and online multiplayer to the game as well.I am very excited about this and can't wait for this to hit XBLA.

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