So what is a person like myself going to do on that beautiful day that Killzone2 drops?Well, I'm going to play it with my Xbox360 controller of course.Microsoft originally built "The Loaf" (the OG of xbox controllers, a joypad so huge that only people with hands big enough to palm an NBA basketball could hold it comfortably) just for Halo,which as you know is an fps.Okay I don't know if that last part is really true or not but it sure seemed that way.Ha,next thing you know I'll be saying that Microsoft made the Xbox360 more powerful just for Gears of War! But I digress...
So,you might be asking yourself,"how is he gonna use an Xbox360 controller on a PS3?" and that is a good question.So here's the skinny,about a month ago a company called XCM released a peripheral called the "Cross Battle Adaptor".It's a small blue box with switches on it (for turbo) and a usb port for you to plug a wired Xbox360 controller into it (yes, it has to be wired).After that you simply plug the usb chord coming out of the adaptor into your PS3 and your PS3 thinks it's a wired SA/DS3.Now you can play fps on PS3 without feeling like your in a thumb war everytime you strafe right and aim left.
You can buy the adaptor here or here.
Happy hunting.
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