Friday, May 25, 2012


Wanna hear a funny story?
Aw hell, I'll tell ya anyway.
So I'm at work today and my cousin and me are driving down the road on our way to install some shit.I got my ipod touch plugged in listening to to some 1upfm, when out the corner of my eye I see my cousin flicking his cigarette ashes out the window.A split second later I halfway see something flying my way followed immediately by a burning sensation on the back of my neck.
Apparently my cousin is not aware of his Incredible Hulk-like thumb strength and managed to flick his cherry right off of his damn cigarette.The weird thing is that it flew out of the window and was apparently caught by God, who then, like an MLB pitcher, sent it hurling towards me (I guess he's still mad at me about that thing,but that's a story for another time).
I knew it had landed on the back of my neck,partly because I saw it flying my way out of the corner of my eye,but mostly because I could feel it slowly burning through my flesh.I immediately reached around and started swatting at my back with one hand while still trying to drive with the other.I was swerving all over the road, other cars began swerving to try and dodge the huge box truck that we drive.
At some point while I was swatting at the back of my neck to try and put it out, the cherry rolls down my back inside my shirt at which point I managed to grab it through my shirt and squeeze it out.Or so I thought.As soon as I think that all is well and good,I begin to feel a burning sensation on my ass followed by the smell of something burning.I turn to look at my cousin who has a horrified look on his face and procedes to yell, "OH SHIT, YOUR ASS IS ON FIRE!!" .
Now under any other circumstances, a statement like that would have made me question his sexual preference,but given the situation I knew this wasn't good.I whipped off on the nearest street, threw it in park and lunged out of the truck,jumping up and down while pulling my pants off.It was like some scene out of one of those crazy slapstick comedie's.I don't need to explain to you the perplexed looks I was getting from people as they drove by.It seems that after I thought I had put out the cherry while it was in my shirt,it actually fell down into my underwear and caught them on fire.
When it was all said and done I had a couple of small burns on my back and a big ass hole burned in my underwear.I shit you not, this actually happened.

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