Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lovey Dovey Blog

I need to post a blog today, so here it is. I make no promises of its quality, nor do I apologize for its incoherent manner. It simply is what it is, lol.
So today is Valentine's Day. People love each other, today they show that love moreso than usual. I'll try to come up with something clever and VD (oh, so that's it's initials, seems appropriate, lol) related by the end of this blog.
Last night was Monday and that means Gamenight. Started off the night playing some SoulCalibur V with Lady and Gabe. Then we moved on to Gotham City Imposters. Later JC and Rob joined and we went back to SCV. Everybody has made some awesome custom characters do far. I'm looking forward to downloading the new character creation DLC that's supposed to be out today.
Love Stories
Ok, so here is more VD related question. In honor of the lovey dovey nature of today, I pose a question to everyone:
What is your all time favorite video game love story?
Doesnt have to be just one. I'm personally torn between the relationship between Aerith and Cloud, preceding her eventual death at the hands of everyone's favorite evil villain, Sephiroth. The other is the relationship between Wander and Mono, and Wander and Agro in Shadow of the Colossus.
Sorry for the lack of visual stimulation but I'm working out of state today and I'm having to post this from my phone. Maybe I'll add some photos when I get home tonight.

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