Friday, May 25, 2012

Bullet Witch

Now that I've done everything that there is to do in SoulCaliburIV(other than online play and I've done plenty of that to be sure),I've been wondering what to play next.So yesterday I started digging through my games that I either have not finished or simply have not played.As I was looking I came across Bullet Witch for the 360,a game I picked up in the bargain bin at Circuit City a while back.This game had never even been in my 360's drive and I bought it almost a year ago.
I remembered seeing some previews for it and thinking that it looked kinda cool but I still wasn't sure what to expect.So when I started playing the first level I quickly found myself critical of the game.The graphics were "ok",the enemies were repetitive and kinda goofy,the enviroment was bland and the contols,which are set up like an FPS, don't quite feel right(a little too twitchy on the aiming).But I decide to give the game until the end of the level to see if there's more to it.

Thankfully my patience has paid off.I'm 3 levels into the game and things have improved quite a bit.All the gripes I had from the first level are still there,but once I was able to start upgrading my abilities,buy new weapons and spells and upgrade those as well,the game has actually gotten really fun.All of the spells are intersting and unique and the four different styles of the gunrod (the main lady's gun/broom weapon) are cool and fun to play as well.Another cool thing is all the stuff you can blow up.Scattered throughout all the levels are vehicles that can all be blown up by firing at them.There are also big gas tankers that create huge explosions.Your best friend the exploding barrel makes it's usual shooter cameo as well as water towers on buildings that can be shot and made to fall.One of the cooler things i've seen was when I came upon a gas station surrounded by enemies,started shooting at a nearby truck to try and take out some badguys and when the truck exploded it triggered a chain reaction and the entire gas station blew up.IT WAS AWESOME!
So aside from all of the aforementioned weaker points, this may be the worst,great game i've ever played!!
P.S. I'm curious as to what some of the worst,great games that you guys have played are?So if you've got one ,leave a comment and tell me what is so I can go check it out.Thanx.

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