Friday, May 25, 2012

E3 Aftermath-Microsoft

Now that E3 is good 'n over with,I thought I would reflect on some of the highlights in the form of this here blog your readin',mmmk.So let's get right to it shall we......

Judging by their press conference,Microsoft is going for broke this time.They kicked the show off with a bang with a live demo of The Beatles:RockBand followed by on stage appearences by The Beatles themselves.We were then informed that we would not be subjected to painful sales and growth charts,only games,games, and more games.Thank you sir,may I have another.Here is a list of what was shown.
Tony Hawk:Ride I was really impressed by what they showed of Ride,including the look of the board.I love the Birdhouse graphics and it looks pretty sturdy.I'll be buying it when it comes out unless it turns out to just not work.One thing that caught my eye was that it looked as though they kept the classic over-the-top Tony Hawk moves,which i thought was odd given the fact that you can't do that shit on a real board.
Modern Warfare 2 I knew before the show started that we would be seeing a live demo of this game,what I didn't know was how much more inpressive the live demo would be over the recently relesed trailer.Everything from the climbing up the side of the mountain to shootin' dudes gansta style while riding down a mountain on a snowmobile looked freaking awesome.I have already reserved this game so all that's left to do now is wait.
Final Fantasy XIII Not too much to say here,the demo wasn't that different from previous demo's although Odin did look pretty badass.This is another one I'll be getting at launch,as to when that launch will be is another story entirely.I did like how they said they were "targeting" a Spring 2010 release,all I have to say is don't hold your breath.
Shadow Complex Looks kinda cool,I don't know I mean,the thing that makes us look back on games like Metroid and Castlevania so fondly is nastalgia not a burning desire to play side scrolling adventure games,right?I don't know,I might just be speaking for myself but I just can't get pumped over a side scroller in this day and age.With that said,I'm sure I'll buy it being that it's an XBLA game,unless they try to charge some redonkulous amount of money for it.
JoyRide........Moving on.......
Crackdown 2 I'm sure there were some dudes that were pretty stoked about this one,I'm just not one of 'em.I mean,I bought the original Crackdown,but that was for the Halo3 beta,so when that was over I traded it in.Apparently later in the week they announced 4-player co-op and 16-player multiplayer(presumably competitive) as opposed to the 2 player co-op from the first game,yay.
Left4Dead2 Oh yeah,I'll definately be getting this.I mean what can I say,it's more L4D but in the day time,with chainsaws,fire hatchets,and fucking frying pans!!And it takes place in my home state of Louisiana,I'm really hyped for this game.And to all the so-called "boycotters" of the game I say "QUITYERBITCHIN!!".
Splinter Cell:Conviction Man,I had all but forgotten about this game.I like how the game projects mission objectives and info on the enviroments and the "mark & execute" stuff looked cool too.I liked the previous Splinter Cell games but the formula was starting to get a little stale after Double Agent so hopefully Conviction will give the series the reboot that it needs.
Forza Motorsport 3 I was very impressed by the graphics in Forza 3,especially since the graphics were Forza 2's weakest point.Before I watched that demo I had no problems saying that GT5 was the best looking racing game out there,but now Forza 3 holds the title of best looking racing game.Oh and somebody please tell that dude from EA to STFU!!
Halo 3: ODST Seeing as how I'm a HUGE Halo fan,this was my favorite game shown.Although I must say,there doesn't seem to be as much excitement around ODST as compared to previous Halo games.The only reason i can come up with is that people still aren't sure what it will be like.I have no doubts about it's greatness,I'm just not sure which variety of great we'll be getting.I'm not gonna really go into this game as I'm saving that for another blog,but I'll just point that the multiple visors,suppressed/scoped SMG & Pistol,open world gameplay and multiple prespectives of the story all look awesome.
Halo Reach Not really anything to say about this one since they didn't really show anything.As someone who has read every Halo novel I know what the text at the beginning of the trailer that said,"From the beginning,you know the end",meant,but other than that I got nothing.The only other info we got was that ODST would come with a voucher for the Halo Reach multiplayer beta,so we at least know that whatever it is there's gonna be multiplayer.I just wish they would have at least told us what kind of game it is.
Alan Wake I think some people were about ready to give up on this one but judging by the live demo,it seems to be coming along nicely.I don't think that a game like Alan Wake can really be understood when shown as a short demo at E3,but never-the-less I was impressed with what Remedy showed.I really loved the Max Payne games and have complete confidence in Remedy's ability to make an awesome game.
MetalGearSolid:Rising I don't think anyone was surprised to see Hideo Kojima on stage at the Microsoft press conference announcing an MGS game for Xbox360,what shocked everyone was that the MGS game announced wasn't MGS4:Guns of the Patriots,but a completely new game starring Raiden that is being said to be more action oriented than previous MGS games (and after seeing Raiden in MGS4 this makes perfect sense).I can understand the people who don't own PS3's being frustrated by the lack of MGS4 on Xbox (although I'm still not convinced that it's not coming to 360),but I'm really excited to see what the new game will be like.
XboxLive Services

Last.FM This will probably be cool for a couple of dudes,but not me.
NETFLIX I LOVE Netflix on my Xbox360,so I'm really happy that they are adding the ability to browse movies straight from your Xbox360.Awesome.
1080P Streaming I'm really intrigued by this one,I'm curious to find out what kind of compression they are using.I also like how they left out the part where you'll need an internet connection with download speeds of at least 8mbps.But at least you can still download the movies if you can't stream them.Either way I'm looking forward to trying this out.
Movie Party I like how all the little avatars sittin' in front of the theater screen watching the movie reminded me of Mystery Science theater 3000,that was pretty cool.I don't know,having your avatar sit in a virtual area with all your friend's avatars while you all watch something together sounds pretty retarded to me,but you never know might be good for some laughs.
FaceBook I wasn't surprised by this at all,XboxLive has always kinda felt like a social network anyway,so I was fully expecting them to eventually partner up with one of the big social networking sites.I spend alot of time just tooling around in the 360's dashboard,so this will just give me one more thing to mess with when I'm bored and don't know what to play.
Twitter Not a whole lot to say here,it's Twitter on your Xbox360.Still,I'm glad they did it.
Project Natal I'm not gonna say much about Natal because I have a whole blog planned for it,but I will say that I'm very excited about it.
All in all,this was one of the best press conferences I can remember seeing.I really hope Microsoft delivers on Project Natal because if they can then it will change video games as we know 'em.

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