Friday, May 25, 2012

Homemade Sony Repairman

I recently posted a blog talking about the untimely death of my PS3,fortunately those days are now behind me.When my PS3 died I was pretty sure that it was a power supply failure but I decided to call Sony to see what they said.I was informed that since my PS3 was out of warranty I would have to pay $150 for them to either repair or replace my PS3.They were also insistant that I backup everything on my hdd for my own personal protection.I tried to inform the guy that I would be unable to back anything up as my PS3 wouldn't even come on but he offered no solution for this.
Ultimately I decided it would be best (and much cheaper) if I fixed it myself.So I ordered a new power supply off of e-bay for $50.After receiving the unit on thursday I took my PS3 apart and put in the new power supply.When I plugged it in my PS3 fired right up and has worked like a champ since.I was just happy I was able to get it back up and running in time for the release of Killzone2 (which is an amazing game I might add).So what's the moral of this story?Don't pay someone to do something when you can do it yourself for alot less money.

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