Friday, May 25, 2012

God of War III and iPhone Games

As I'm sure most people did,I really enjoyed 1up's God of War III cover story this week.I loved the retrospective look at the past games,but the real knockout punch was the blowout of the new game accompanied by the new trailer.The new trailer was nothing short of amazing and reminded me why I love this series so much.The graphics look phenominal and the new moves and weapons really got me going.I absolutely can't wait until this game comes out(especially considering how the last game ended).
In lieu of the new game I've decided to go back and replay GoW and GoWII for a little retrospective view of my own.I'll be posting thoughts and opinions upon finishing each one.In case anyone reading this hasn't already seen the trailer,here it is:

                                            God of War 3 'Titan' trailer HD
Hero of Sparta....the iPhone Game
While browsing around the App Store on my iPod Touch the other day I came across a little game called "Hero of Sparta".The screenshots showed a game that looked very reminiscient of God of War.I was impressed by the graphics in the screens and controls looked like they could actually work.The developers had a graphical representation of a thumbstick on the bottom left of the screen with block and attack buttons on the right.While the game looked good I wasn't sure if I wanted to drop the $10 on it given the quality thus far of iphone/ipod touch games.
Two nights ago i noticed that they had dropped the price to $5.99 and I decided to go ago and buy it.The game starts with a really nice CG intro (you can see it at the bottom of this post)depicting the "hero" taking out some mythical creature with quite a bit of flare.I haven't played very far into the game yet but what I have played has impressed me.Now while the game isn't on the same level as say,God of War:Chains of Olympus,it is a very well done game for iphone.The touchscreen controls are nice and responsive yet simple enough to keep the learning curve down.Things like jumping up to ledges are context sensitive and certain enemies can be finished with quick time events ala GoW.
The size of the screen does make it a little hard to make out what's going on when multiple enemies are on screen but it's not unplayable.Evading is also taken from GoW as you hold down the block "button" and move the "analog stick" in the direction you want to roll.Combos and special attacks (so far, as I obviously haven't seen them all since I'm still so early in the game) are handled with a combination of timed "button" presses and holding down the "attack button".
So far I've been really impressed by this game,the graphics are nice,the controls are solid,and the gameplay is fun.And for $5 why not check it out,it truly is pocket sized gaming.Here are some screens:
And here is a video of the CG opening movie:

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