Friday, May 25, 2012

The Calm Before Gustav

Well hurricane Gustav hit land around 9:30am in Cocodrie,a community lying southwest of New Orleans.The storm surge was apparently 12ft. at it's highest point where it hit in Louisiana.Dozens of tornadoes were reported in New Orleans and surrounding parishes (that's the Louisianian equivalence of a county).It weakened to a category 2 hurricane before it hit land and has since weakened more to a category 1 storm.As I'm writing this Gustav is knocking at my door.The weather channel is predicting 35-50 mph winds and up to 15 inches of rain in my part of the state.So far the levees in New Orleans have held but it's not time to start celebrating just yet.Remeber with Katrina it was the next day when the levees broke,but so far it's looking like they will hold.
For the folks that don't know, I live in the Shreveport/Bossier area of northern Louisiana.Anyone who's watched the news in the last few days is aware of the hurricane named "Gustav" that is currently heading for my homestate.
It seems like not that long ago when the disaster that was hurricane Katrina happened.Luckily it appears that the city and federal government have learned their lessons and have managed to pretty much completely evacuate the Louisiana coast.Just like when Katrina hit, Gustav has caused many people to flee their homes and the influx of people into my neck of the state has been huge.Naturally we welcome our brothers and sisters from the southern part of the state and will do whatever we can to make their stay comfortable.
Usually when a hurricane hits Louisiana it has all but died out by the time it reaches us,but this time they are saying that it may still be a category 1.When it slammed into Cuba it was a category 5 so I'll be praying for the families there that were displaced or lost a loved one.
When I walked outside earlier it was very calm and quiet with only the slightest breeze.The storm is scheduled to hit early tomorrow morning so everyone should be praying to whatever god they believe in to watch over all of those that are in the path of this storm.And pray that we don't end up with another Katrina.

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