Sunday, May 27, 2012

Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo Synopsis

I was informed on Facebook ealier today by my oldest friend that I need to write a synopsis of the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo, seeing as how his internet is too slow to download it. Or, as his step-son put it:
"lol for you Josh, by the time it downloads the game will have been released for about a month"
After a pretty lengthy (for Facebook anyway) explanation on the demo, he then told me:
"That's good but I also need first impressions, comparisons, expectations, unbiased opinions and closing remarks.."
lol, so here it is, Just for you Josh:

First Impressions: "HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS BADASS!!", that was my inital impression after playing the Crysis 2 demo last night. I've actually had the demo on my Xbox360 since last week when it came out, but hadn't played  it. I wasn't even really planning on playing it last night, I was getting ready to start Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, but my wife was interested in watching me play it and since she still had a few things to do before she could come watch, I decided I'd fire up Crysis 2 while I waited.
So I jump into a game and the first thing that goes through my mind is, "wow, this game looks really damn good". Then I start playing it and I'm thinking, "man this game feels really damn good". And that's one of the first things that hooked me on the demo, the controls. Being a gamer I obviously knew what Crysis was all about, it was the game that gave monster gaming PC's nightmares and could incinerate a GPU simply by putting the disc in the drive. It was the game with the best graphics ever. But graphics aren't everything.

Making the controls in a console FPS feel just right seems to be a very tricky affair, as only a handful of companies have done it, Bungie and Infinity Ward being the most prominent. So I was fully expecting Crysis 2's controls to be acceptable, but what I got was spot-on. There is only one map in the demo and it takes place on the roof of a building with a helicopter landing pad, green houses, and some pathways through the inside of the building. The map is really well laid out and fun, even after playing it over and over again.

Comparisons: The easiest way for me to describe Crysis 2 is that, to me anyways, it feels like a mixture of the best parts of Halo and Call of Duty. It has CoD's controls: left trigger aims down sights, X reloads, left thumbstick button melees, right thumbstick button sprints. There are also customizable classes, perks, attachments, and killstreak rewards like CoD. It also has titles your rewarded with after the game like you see in CoD like "most reloads", or "killed whole enemy team", and whatnot. Dog tags are another cool idea that has you picking up the tags off of enemies you just took down and being viewable from a menu after the game.
What feels like Halo is the sci-fi theme, the nano suit abilities, and the amount of shots it takes to kill an enemy. Looking through menus it appears that there will be an abundance of abilities at your disposal come launch. All of your suits abilities, like invisibility, enhanced armor, sprint, and nano vision (think thermal) rely on an "energy" meter at the bottom left of the screen that regenerates when not using any of these abilities.

Jumping toward most structures will result in your guy reaching out and pulling himself up. One ability I've enjoyed using is the fist pound which involves you jumping into the air, pressing the B button and slamming your fist down onto the ground (kinda looks like the armor lock animation from Reach) killing any opponent unlucky enough to be near the impact. I've heard that there are also some assassination moves like in Reach, but I've yet to see one.
Because of the nano suit your guy can take more bullets than your average soldier leaving you with gunfights that feel more like Halo than CoD. It kinda feels in the middle of the two games, I never felt like one shot and I was dead, but I also never felt like it was taking everything I had to kill a guy which happens frequently in Reach. At this point I've just gotten high enough rank to unlock the custom class slot, which was preceded by four default classes which are: Assault (assault rifle), Scout (shotgun), sniper, and gunner (light machine gun).

Expectations: I would have to say that my expectations are pretty high for Crysis 2 at this point. The tiny morsel of multiplayer that is out was enough to make a true believer out of me and so I believe that once I get the full game with the bound-to-be-epic campaign mode and more multiplayer maps and modes this could be my game of the year, even with the year still so young. I fully expect the finished game to blow me away.
Unbiased Opinions (lol): I would have to say that since I never played the original Crysis, and knew almost nothing about Crysis 2 when I started the demo that all of my opinions on it are "unbiased". The only negative I can think of is that the guns so far seem like they have the potential to be pretty generic. While they feel really good to shoot, and the graphics are really good on them, they're not that interesting to look at sometimes. I would say that, in my opinion, the default assault rifle is the coolest looking gun that I've played with. With that said, I've seen spots grayed out in the menus for many other guns, so I feel confident that it won't be a problem when the game ships.

Closing Remarks: In closing I'll say that I absolutley love it when I play a game kind of blindly and it turns out to be great. I'm so involved in the gaming community that I usually know everything about a game before I play it, but with the Crysis 2 demo I was in the dark. So I highly recommend anyone that is a fan of FPS's and owns an Xbox360 to download and try this demo, you won't be disappointed.
Your welcome Josh.

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