Sunday, May 27, 2012

Weekend Roundup

I kicked off Saturday by chillin' at the house drinkin screwdrivers and watching "Tucker and Dale vs Evil with the Mrs. This was our second time to watch the movie and it was just as funny as the first time, lol. I like watching movies with hillbillies and rednecks, they're relatable, lol.

Saturday we went out to my mom's house in the country (country-er? lol) to eat, hang out, and shoot guns. Mom made some pork roast, mashed nu potatoes, and Rutabagas for supper, good shit. Unfortunately I ran off without my targets so we had to shoot at old Coke cans, which sucked because everytime you shoot one you gotta go put it back up, lol. Got home that night and played SCV until about 4am.

Sunday we just lounged around the house all day. I played a lot of SCV, training, Arcade mode, quick battle, and I finally beat that pain in the ass, Legendary Souls mode. Played some matchs with JC, Gabe, and Rob too. I was loving everybody's custom characters. Gabe's were really good considering it's his first time making custom characters in SC. Rob had a really good Red Sonja and JC's Pepping Tom character was a true masterpiece, lol. Good times all around.

Oh, and the Superbowl. I actually didn't watch but some of the 4th quarter. I wanted the Pats to win as they're my second favorite team behind my Saints, but it wasn't meant to be. I hated to see Brady lose his second SB in a row, to the same team, that's gotta hurt. But they'll be back. I can't hate on Eli and the Giants though since Eli is a Louisiana boy, lol. But I was able to take comfort in the fact that my Saints beat the ever living shit out of the superbowl champs earlier in the year, lol.

What'd y'all do this weekend?

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