Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why Do People Hate DLC?

Somewhere along the way shit got twisted. I remember back before the OG Xbox came out and Microsoft was really talking up online as being a big feature for the system, and I, like so many, was fucking stoked. For me personally, the biggest thing was the idea that, after I bought a game, I could later download new levels/weapons/characters/cars, etc. But as soon as it got here, there was a group of people that bitched and complained about it. Why? Because they had to pay for it.
Now, I'll be the first to stand up and say that games are way overpriced. But that's a fault of console maufacturers and publishers, not the developers. But that's who makes the DLC, the developers. And they have to get paid to make said DLC. Now I understand that there is a stark difference between real DLC and unlock keys, but what we're talking about here is real DLC. We all know that unlock keys are total bullshit and mostly a by-product of greedy ass Japanese publishers.

My reason for writing this is today's announcement of the new Rezurrection map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops. As with any map pack announcement for a CoD game, the hate is abundant. I can understand why someone wouldn't want to buy this particular map pack; 80% of the maps are rehashed CoD: WaW maps, and three of which were already DLC. So I completely understand why someone wouldn't want to buy it. But most of the people bitching are mad that it even exists (or will exist), and the problem goes far beyond this particular map pack.
I understand that part of the problem is that people love to hate stuff, especially CoD, and that's ok, but these days you can find people bitching about any DLC. And it's not just the people, the gaming journalist foster these attitudes. I for one would like to see a steady stream of new content for a game long after it's release, because then I get even more enjoyment out of the game, even if I have to pay for the content.

And that's my problem with the whining and bitching. You don't have to buy it. Developers make DLC for the people that continue to play and enjoy their games. If you think the price is unfair and the content not good or worth it, fine, don't buy it. But don't bitch that it exists, that's just dumb. I've read comments like, "they just wanna make more money", or, "why does this developer love money so much". Because developers are businesses, they have to make money, they want to make money. That's the whole point of a business.
So the moral of this story is: If you don't want to buy DLC, then don't. But don't bitch that it even exists in the first place, that just makes you look like an asshat.

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