Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bring Your Best Shotgun

So my wife and I finally started watching "The Walking Dead" tonight. We watched the first two episodes of season one and we're already hooked. Barring any screw ups in the writing, I can see this going in a very cool direction (if they did screw it up, please don't spoil it for me, lol). We've been meaning to start this series for a while and did so tonight off a whim. That's how I roll, spontaneously. I kind of like how they don't call them "zombies", but instead "walkers" or "geeks" (I couldn't tell if that's what they were calling them or not, but that's what it sounded like, lol).


But naturally, being a gamer, after the show was over I started thinking about zombie related games like Dead Rising (still need to finish DR2) and Left 4 Dead/2. Eventually that train of thought got me to thinking about the biggest and most recently announced zombie game, Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us". I've had the new Game Informer for about a week or so now, which has it on the cover and a big spread inside the mag, but I haven't had time to read it. I definitely need to see what it's all about. Naughty Dog is one of those developers that doesn't know how to make a bad game, so I'm sure this will be great.


The new DLC character creation parts for SCV came out yesterday and I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed. Not in the quality of the parts, what was there was very cool. It's just that there wasn't much there. I don't mind paying for these (even though they're probably already on the disc), but instead of releasing so few at a time, why not release a bunch at once, even if it costs more. My point is that I love creating characters and I am more than willing to pay for new parts, but releasing so few at a time feels like a tease, lol.


Anyway, that's all I got for today, I promise to write a more interesting blog soon, until then, HOLLAAAAAAAAAAA

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