Sunday, May 27, 2012

Best Tv Ever?

   So a couple of weeks ago we got in the first of the Sharp Aquos Quattron LED LCD TV's. Let me just start by saying that this is easily the best looking tv I have ever seen. In our big screen room, the Quattron, surrounded by Sony, Samsung, and Mitsubishi's top of the line tv's, stands out like a spotlight in the darkness. It literally makes all the other tv's just look plain dull.

   This huge leap in picture quality was achieved by adding a fourth color, yellow, to the typical "RGB" color spectrum that has been used since the introduction of the color tv. You really do have to see it to believe it because no tv can reproduce the picture quality that the Quattron can. Adding yellow to the color spectrum means that it can display colors that other sets can't. The difference is astounding. Amazingly enough, picture quality isn't the only area Sharp's wonder set trumps the competition.

   Ever since LCD's beat out plasma's as the standard flat panel tv, motion has been a big selling point. When LCD's started to take off it became apparent that the typical 60hz sets would no longer cut it. 120hz sets have been the standard for the last few years with 240hz sets making a push over the last couple of years. Oddly enough, Sharp, the company that pretty much invented the modern LCD tv, didn't make the jump to 240hz. Even when Sharp's awesome line of LED sets came out last year I was shocked to see that they were all still 120hz.

As it turns out, Sharp apparently doesn't need 120hz.

   The model of Quattron that we have at the store now is the 810 series, which is basically the bottom of the line. That's right, the bottom of the line Sharp Quattron blows away the competition. We have the 820 series coming and the 920 series should be here in a couple of months. 24p at 120hz is smoother than 24p at 240hz on competing sets. And this is a noticable difference, not something you have to squint to see.

   Another point of contention with LCD tv's over the last few years has been black levels. LCD's have always struggled with reproducing true blacks because of their use of backlights, when the screen is supposed to be completely black you could always still see the backlight shining through. When the Quattron goes black it looks like it's off. It's incredible.

   Sharp has also integrated things like internet and Netflix right into the tv, making it a true multi-media device. I've been singing the praises of Sharp tv's to our customers for as long as I've been in this business. Sharp has always been the leader when it comes to LCD display technology, having things like 1080p, LED, and internet before anyone. They are also the must dependable and well built tv's on the market. I could go on and on about this set but I think you get the picture, if your looking to buy a new tv then this is the set you want. In the case of the Quattron, seeing is most definitely believing.

   You can also visit our website to learn more.

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