Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's a Celebration Bitches!

I have zero ideas ideas for a blog so I'm gonna wing it. I'm already behind so I gotta make a move, that's what I do, I make moves! 


I ate at a new Chinese restaurant today for lunch and was gonna use my fork like always, but as I sat there staring at the chop sticks I kept having this vision of Pai Mei knocking my food on the ground while loudly announcing, "IF YOU'RE GOING TO EAT LIKE A DOG, THEN YOU CAN EAT WITH THE DOGS!!". So I decided to give the chopsticks a go for the first time ever, like, in my life. After failing epicly I Googled "how to use chopsticks". After finding an easy to follow little picture guide I was eating with chopsticks like a pro. All of a sudden I feel more "cultured", or some shit like that.


I recently changed my ringtone to the whistling tune from Kill Bill, which now has everybody at my job whistling it. I think I'm gonna watch Kill Bill over this weekend, I usually watch it at least once a year. Easily Tarantino's best in my opinion.


Ive been jamming the hell out of the new Korn album. Wasn't sure how I'd feel about all the Skrillex, but I like it a lot. I'm still jammin Beyond Magnetic too.



Watched the last 4 episodes of season 1 of Walking Dead last night. Still loving it so far. Unfortunately season 2 isn't on Netflix so I'm gonna have to buy the episodes off of my Xbox if I want to watch them at my leisure. Still watch a lot of Ancient Aliens on Netflix as well, they never get old no matter how many times I watch them.


As for games, I'm still playing a lot of SoulCalibur V. I need to get back to Arkham City as well. I bought all of the DLC for AC the other night, as if finishing the main game wasn't enough. I've also been trying to make my way through FFVI, I may need some help with that shit though, lol.

Also it's Mardi Gras time down here in the swamp. There were parades last weekend and again this weekend, though I don't know how it'll work out since it's supposed to rain all weekend.

That's it for me, hope y'all have a good one this weekend, PEACE OOOUUUTTT

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