Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wishy washy?Me?Naaaa................

It seems like only yesterday that I was on here bashing the PS2,calling out it's outdated graphics and lack of true Dolby Digital surround sound.I would rag it for still forcing people to use the D-pad as the primary source of control in most games.And last but not least,I would rag it for not having an online service like Xbox Live.

So do I still hold to those previous opinions?In a word,yes.BUT,before I was looking at it in just two colors,black & white,I was totally missing that HUGE gray area that really seperates these two FINE consoles.First let's get the obvious out of the way:


1.)Has kickass graphics=check
2.)ALL games support AT LEAST 480P=check
3.)ALL games support Dolby Digital & DTS surround modes=check
4.)Has one of the best,if not THE best controller ever designed=check
5.)Has the best online service from a design standpoint=check
6.)Has Halo,Ninja Gaiden,PGR & DOA=check


1.)Has Fiber Optic audio cable input ON THE CONSOLE=check
3.)Has ALL the major developers supporting the console=check
4.)Has a FREE online service=check
5.)Has MGS,DMC,FF,DQ,J&D,R&C,GTA,Socom,Tekken,GT, & a bunch of other franchises I can't think of right now=check
6.)Having a 6 year or more life cycle for your consoles=check
7.)Not shitting on your old console because your releasing a new one too early=check

So as you can see ,both have their good things and bad things.As it stands I've been playing my PS2 pretty much exclusively as of late b/c I've pretty much been Xbox & GC exclusive for the duration of the current gen,so I have alot of PS2 catching up to do.I'm really looking forward to MGS:Subsistance,DMC3:SE & FFXII.And Black,let's definately not forget about Black.I think that it will turn out to be one of the best games of '06.But with so many great current gen games coming,so many great Xbox360 games coming and the PS3 and Revolution on the horizon we are all gonna be much,much poorer by the time 2007 comes around.

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