Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Homemade Burritos.

A few semi-interesting things to talk about today.My wife,my son and I went to see King Kong yesterday.I must say it makes my top 10 favorite movies ever list.It's also one of the saddest movies i've ever seen.All this stuff i keep hearing about folks saying that the fx were over the top is simply absurd,that's right I said it,ABSURD!!If you havcen't already seen it then do yourself a favor and go as soon as possible,you won't regret it.

A face only a mother could luve....oh,well,a mother AND Naomi Watts

My wife bought me a cell phone friday.To most this wouldn't exactly seem like a big deal,but since i haven't had one in about 4 yrs.,i'm pretty happy.it's a pretty cool phone too,it is a black Motorola RAZR.It's got a camera and does all sorts of nifty things.never the less ,I'm pretty happy about it.

Ain't it purty

My dad bought my mom one of those new Ford Mustangs.I guess since it's almost Christmas and their anniversary is the day after christmas,maybe it's like a combination X-Mas/Anniversary gift.If he hasn't already thought of it then I'm sure that my dad would agree that that sounds like a good idea.the below pic is the car.Yes ,my mom's ride is tighter than yours(and almost as nice as mine....sorry mom).

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