Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Redesigning our tax system

Did you know that our forefathers never wanted us to have an income tax?Or that they never wanted us to have a payroll tax?What about social security or medicare tax?When the constitution was originally written it stated that all the taxes that I just listed were to be illegal under the United States Constitution.Surprised?Then why do we pay all these taxes if the constitution says it's against the law?Well,I don't really want to spend too much time on the history lesson,so allow me to summarize.

Sometime in the early 20th century (1900's),around the time of the world wars (I can't remember exactly which one)the politicians in Washington used the war as a means to trick the people into allowing an income tax system.In order to do this they had to ammend the constitution.

So here we are today with the most confusing and overly convoluted tax system in the world.Thats why so many corporations move their offices over seas.Thats why domestic companies have such a hard time competing.Thats also why American products cost so much more than foreign made products.Next time you get paid take a good hard look at your check and how much taxes have been taken out.Look at your gross versus your "bring home".Also think about the fact that every time you buy something your also paying a retail sales tax.Here in Louisiana it's 8 cents on every dollar.Thats alot of taxes that we are paying.
You've heard the old saying,"the more you make ,the more they take".What the hell is going on when we can laugh and joke about how the current tax system screws us?The problem is that everyone thinks that there is nothing that can be done about it,but that is simply not the case.

The answer is very simple,Fair Tax.The Fair Tax is a system in which all taxes (except for retail sales taxes) are eliminated.The IRS abolished.Can you imagine bringing home 100% of your paycheck every time you get paid?What the Fair Tax does is introduce a national retail sales tax on goods and services.Like I said ealier ,in my state the retail sales tax is 8 cents on every dollar.The fairtax would raise that to 23%,but you would get your whole paycheck.No more taxes of any kind,period.The cool thing is that with the current tax system everything we buy has imbedded taxes in them because the manufacturers have to pay so many taxes along the way.With the fairtax they wouldn't have to pay those taxes any longer and prices would come down.So in the end you the total amount that your paying now for a product would eventually be the same as with Fair Tax.

I could go on and on about this but I think it would be better for you to go look into it yourself.Trust me,there is nothing bad about this .There is a book out right now called "The FairTax Book" which has everything you need to know about the fairtax system.And just so you know this is'nt just some wacky idea that a couple of guys came up that will never happen,this is an actual bill being passed around by the senators.We just need enough Americans to sign the petition to get the ball rolling on this thing.Remember this is OUR country and that means that we have the power to make things happen.Just keep in mind the fact that you'll never have to see any taxes taken out of your check again.period.I'm gonna list the links to the fairtax website and to sign the petition.Remember,if this gets passed then our economy will become the strongest in the world,becuase without the burden of big taxes,companies from all over the world will want to have their base of operations right here in the good 'ol U.S. of A.,and that would create millions of jobs.

Click here to check out the Fair Tax website and learn everything you need to know about the Fair Tax.

Click here to sign the petition and let the politicians know that we're tired of being over taxed and that it's time for a new better tax system.

If there was anything that you did'nt understand or a question that you have about the Fair Tax system then leave me a comment and I'll be happy to answer it.Thanx.


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