Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And now for something completely different.

Well I haven't been writing as much as i'd like to here lately and am hoping to remedy that.Starting as soon as I can (this week possibly) I'm going to try to do at least 4 blogs a week.Now I know that probably doesn't sound like much when compared to alot of people on this site but it's the best I can muster for the time being.

That said,I'm wanting to pick a day of the week and discuss a specific subject in that post.I haven't decided which day will see what topic but I'll decide in the next couple of days.As it stands the topics i'm wanting to address each week are :politics (something I'm really itching to voice my opinions AND facts on),tech(computers,gadgets,techy stuff),movies(me and my wife watch alot of movies) and of course,video games.

As it stands I don't have much to talk about right now (I did install Windows Vista Beta 2 on my pc,but more on that later) so I'll get off for now and be back in a couple of days.


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