Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Microsoft might one day buyout Sony?

Sounds crazy right?Considering the fact that most people think that Sony is just as big,if a not bigger company than Microsoft.But this is just not the case.When I say "big" I am of course referring to the depth of their pockets,in which case Microsoft wins hands down.Sony has been struggling financially for the last few years and it's getting worse.I've compiled a list of all the bad things happening to Sony:

1.) The whole thing with Sony putting "spyware" on their music CD's.If you don't know what I'm talking about then read this.And if that Does'nt sound all that serious to you then read this.Apparently the Attorney general in Texas thought it was very serious.

2.) Then there is the lawsiut against Sony by Immersion corp. for copyright infringement on the "dual shock" controllers.The suit was filed in 2002 and Microsoft settled out of court almost immediately and even bought part of Immersion corp.,.Sony on the other hand (being the hard headed company that it is)decided to fight the case knowing damn well that it had stolen the tech from that company.Well Sony lost the lawsiut.For the whole story check this out.

3.) Then there's the whole thing with the price of the PS3 being so high.Noone knows exactly how much it will cost but everyone knows that it will be expensive.The only official word from Sony is that it won't cost $750.00.Wow,that's refreshing.I think it will be around $650.00 b/c it's gonna cost Sony almost $1000.00 to build each machine.

4.) Then there's the games.The fact is that anyone who knows anything about CPU's and GPU's knows that the PS3 and Xbox360 are about the same when it comes to power.The difference being that Microsoft has gone to great lengths to make sure that the Xbox360 is easy as hell to develop for where as Sony has actually increased the learning curve on their machine.

Not to mention that come this November we are gonna see alot of games that are already out on Xbox360 coming to PS3 as launch titles.Plus their going to be going up against 2nd generation Xbox360 games.And if Microsoft decides to drop the price of the '360 to $300.00 for the premium and $200.00 for the core system then that will hurt Sony's sales even more.

5.) Then there's the idea of Sony using Blu Ray as a tool to sell PS3's and the whole HDCP technology thing.First let me be the first one to say that Blu Ray is not gonna be the winning format against HD DVD.I'm in the audio/video buisness and the fact is that most people can't even work their own tv's and dvd players.

But just about everone knows what "HD" is and they know what "DVD" is ,so they can pretty much fgure out what HD DVD is.But people aren't gonna have a clue when they see Blu Ray.Especially when they find out how compatible HD DVD is with their current collections of DVD's and how compatible Blu Ray is'nt.

Not to mention that HD DVD will be much cheaper AND have almost the same amount of storage(45 gigs vs. 50 gigs).Sony has a horrble track record when it comes to new types of media.Beta Max,Mini Disc,Umd(it's on it's way out)and Blu Ray will be no different.And if you don't know what HDCP is then read this.

It's basically a form of digital copy protection that will be in Blu Ray that will only let people with HDCP compatible TV's watch the "HD" part of Blu Ray's HD movies.Now the tricky thing is that all the HD TV's that have come out over the last 6 years or so ARE NOT HDCP compatible.Which means you will have to have an almost brand new,fresh-off-the-line TV.

6.)And lastly if you would like to read a professional's take on how the idea of Microsoft buying out Sony is a legitimate one,then read this.

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