Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's 5:00am, Do You Know Where Your Battle Rifle Is?

Actually it's 5:11am and my friend John just left my house.We've been playing Halo2 for the last 5 or 6 hours and having a blast doing it.He came over last weekend and played,but we were having trouble with the split-screen view.For those of you who are not aware of this,Halo2 checks your Xbox dashboard settings to see if you have a "square" or wide-screen tv.If you have a wide-screen tv then it splits the screen up-and-down instead of left-to-right.When we got on tonite I decided to go into the dash and set it up as if I had a "square" tv,so that it would split the screen left-to-right(like it always did in Halo1),and it made a 100% difference.We played team slayer for a while and then went to big team and finished the night off with team preview.Good times,I must say.And the best part of playing tonite was NO CHEATERS!!!Im sooooo glad Bungie was able to fix that,it makes the game fun again.
We tried to get our friend Matt to play,but when we called him at 3:30am he was asleep.I mean,who sleeps at 3:30am?!?!Anyway,I like having spectres in games now,and I LOVE the sentinal beam on Backwash.We had some pretty great games too.lots of fun.

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