Sunday, May 20, 2012

Killing Me Softly

I bought Killzone for the PS2 a couple of months ago and since then you could find me saying things like "this game aint that bad,it's actually really good!" or "I havent seen anything weird with the graphics,they look awesome" or "I just dont see what all the media was talking about".Little did I know that I was about to find out exactly what they were talking about and then some.
I have played here and there since I bought it,but the last few days I have been playing it alot.Lastnight,after I had eaten,I decided to play some.I was about two levels past the point where "Rico" joins the squad and I came out into this large area where the sky above me was blindingly "white".I didnt really pay it any attention b/c I figured it was supposed to be that way for whatever reason.But as I worked my way through the area I came to a point where it wouldnt let me pick up weapons off of fallen enemies.I thought that was weird but kept on going anyway.Then I came to a point where that blinding "white" I was talking about was EVERYWHERE,I couldnt see anything but doorways,no walls.Then I realized that the walls were there I just couldnt see them(unless I shot them,then I could see the bulletholes).

This the actual level where the graphics were missing,right around that corner behind where the Helghast are coming from

So at this point im thinking this is really weird ,but kept trying to play anyway,then the game froze up.So I go hit the reset button thnking that it was for the best anyway b/c at least now I'll be able to see the walls.WRONG.This time it was all the same problems ,but a whole lot sooner.Instead of waiting until the end of the area to do it ,it started almost immediately.After being killed by enemies that I could see but couldnt shoot(thanks in full to an invisible wall)the game decided to freeze up again as my lifeless corpse flopped around on the ground like a fish out of water.So then I decide to reset one more time,hoping that it would fix my problem.This time the reset actually did fix the problem,but now the framerate was atrocious.So I went on and finished the level and got the 4th and last member of the squad,"Hakha".As soon as the next level started an enemy tank rolled up and blew me to shit...then the game froze up again.At this point I took it as a sign that it was time to stop playing the game.
I guess what all this really got me thinking about is back before the game came out and Guerilla (the developer)was talkling all this stuff about how the PS2 was an extremely powerful machine and that other developers just dont know how to use it right.And Sony was saying that it was a "Halo killer" and all that.The fact is ,what I've found out about the game is that it has a weak and forgettable story,forgettable and repetitive enemies, forgettable characters,useless character types(b/c it does'nt give paths to use some of the more specialized character's abilities,like the stealth one).What it does have though is great weapons(except for the Helghast sniper rifle),great sound,great gunplay and great pacing.And those four things are enough to see it through to the end(unless it starts spazzing on me again).

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