Sunday, May 20, 2012

Don't Blame the Modders

The modding community should'nt be blamed for this at all.This is a community that has been around almost as long as games themselves and alot of the developers of some of our fav games started out as modders.Just look at Counterstrike.The ESRB IS to blame,im not saying that it is a bad thing,im just saying that by giving in to the pressure put on by politicians it showed that the game industry still isnt as respected as the film industry,or even other industries that dont bring in nowhere near as much revenue as ours.The ONLY reason the ESRB changed San Andreas' rating is because of everyone else breathing down their collective necks.

What the ESRB shoud have done was stand up for itself and standby it's original rating.It should have pointed out that the news and big hollywood movies are 10 times more detrimental to kids than any video game could ever hope to be.I was watching the news just a couple of months ago with my wife and 4 year old son when they started showing actual footage of Iraqi men AND american soldiers dead with parts of their heads missing.AND THIS WAS ON THE NEWS.But yet they are worried about sexual content that only certain people can gain access to.

I am a gamerdad and I am nowhere near as worried about my chid gaining access to sexually related content as I am him seeing photos of real people with their heads blown off.Am I worried about him seeing sexual content?Of course I am,but that is something he will learn about regardless.The sad thing is that the very politicians trying to ban our "violent" video games are the same ones responsible for sending our loved ones off to their possible deaths (God forbid).This whole thing has really gotten way out of hand ,and someone in our industry really needs to step up and take a stand against these hypocrits.

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