Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ultimate Revenge of the Sith

Just got through beating Star Wars :EpisodeIII Revenge of the Sith and I just want to say to all the reviewers that gave that game a low or mediocre score that you are an idiot.The single player campaign is really good b/c it has really cool lightsabre combat and use of force powers.There is also lots of ingame story cutscenes that werent in the movie that are really cool,like when Darth Sidius sends Darth Vador to the Jedi temple to destroy all the remaining Jedi He walks in with his clone troopers and tells Jocasta Nu(the librarian of the Jedi archives from episodeII:Attack of the Clones)that he wants control of the temple beacon and after she refuses she pulls out her lightsabre only to have Darth Vador snatch her sabre mout of her hands using the force and then force pull her onto his lightsabre ,right through her chest.Awesome.There is also a really cool ALTERNATE ENDING.There is also an awesome mutiplayer game that is set up just like your typical fighting game.There is also extra stuff like concept drawings and what not.All in all it is BY FAR the best ever Star Wars game based directly on a movie.Good stuff.

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