Monday, May 21, 2012

Tokyo Game Show 2005

So TGS has come and gone and I really don't know where to start.Lots of cool new stuff to talk about,I already did the post on the Revolution,so I won't go in to that.MGS4 looked pretty cool,although I hope they finally change that damn view.If I have to play another"top-down" game again it'll be too soon.I did think it was a little tacky of them to have Snake say that the PS3 was better.Konami is a third party developer,why would they want to pick a side when they are gonna make money off of both consoles?

Ninja Gaiden Black received a perfect score(10 out of 10) on this very site(did you expect anything less?).I'm definately buying it as soon as it comes out.

Gears of War looks friggin' amazing.Cliff Bleszinski played a little piece of the game at TGS so as to show some in game stuff and it just blew me away.The graphics on that game are unreal(no pun intended).The play mechanics look really nice as well.I'm really looking forward to it.

All the Xbox360 games are looking really sweet too.If you would like to see a video mantage of the games that microsoft showed at TGS then click here.Here is a list of games that I'm looking forward to:
1)Kameo:Elements of Power
2)Project Gotham Racing 3
3)Quake 4
4)Dead or Alive 4
5)Final Fantasy XI Online
6)Call of Duty 2
7)Ninety Nine Nights
8)Sonic the Hedgehog
9)Enchant Arm
10)Blue Dragon
11)Perfect Dark Zero

Hurricane Rita is headed for the Texas shoreline,luckily this time they are getting everyone out early on.Plus this time people aren't really saying that they wanna stay either.

I bought Burnout Revenge for my son last week.It's really fun,I like it better than Burnout 3.I really like the ability to knock same-way traffic out of the way,it makes the pace alot faster.Also the huge jumps in the crash mode are really cool as well.The only thing I don't like is the lack of car "categories" from Burnout 3,it feels less organized.

I also bought Dead or Alive Ultimate yesterday.The online is really fun and the graphics are purty too.I like trying to unlike all the costumes(again).Well that's all for now.

Oh and if you want to watch some really funny stuff then you should check out Pure Pwnage,it's the best thing since sliced bread.

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