Friday, May 18, 2012

Soulcalibur3 a PS2 exclusive?!?

im a little confused about the reasoning behind namco's announcement that sc3 will be a ps2 exclusive.If I remember correctly , the gamecube version sold the best of the three versions and the xbox version was heralded by egm and other mags as the best of the three.Hmmmm.I want to say that they are trying to do the same thing that they did with the dreamcast version bay making it system exclusive(b/c soulcalibur2 didnt look THAT much better than the dreamcast version),but even then it doesnt make since b/c at that time the dreamcast WAS the most powerful system out.Now im not saying that graphics and power are everything,BUT , it doesnt make a whole lotta since to release it as multiplatform and then come back and make it system exclusive on the weakest system available(and im not saying that to bash the ps2 , im just stating FACT).Thats not only unfair to the people who bought sc2 on their gc or xbox (and now wont be able to buy it b/c they are not willing or able to buy a whole new system for one game),but its also unfair to the people who own all three consoles , but prefer a specific version other than the ps2 version(like me:)).
On a more positive note,im really excited about the new features like creating your own fighter.
Im also concerned that nothing was announced pertaining to online,fighting games are the PERFECT games for online,i mean,the WHOLE game is multiplayer!!If you dont have someone that lives with you to play with or a friend thats over all the time then that game ends up in the "not being played stack".Now im not getting myself all worked up b/c:1.)i own a ps2 and therefore will buy that version if thats all there is. 2.)my best friend has the ps2 version and it controls really well with the ps2 controller.3.)if everyone remembers ,this is exactly what happened when namco first announced soulcalibur2,they said that it would be a gamecube exclusive(hell i was gonna buy my next system based on what console soulcalibur2 was on!!)and then a few months later they announced it for all systems.So hopefully the same thing will happen here,and if not then i guess i'll be buying the ps2 version.:)

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