Sunday, May 20, 2012

Resident Evil 5 Coming to Xbox360

I just read an article on this very site about Resident Evil 5 and how it is coming to Xbox360 and PS3.Apparently the controls and camera view will be the same as RE4 ,and it will as keep the same interactive cutscenes .Apparently it will have a desert setting.If your like me then you know that RE4 was one of the greatest games ever made(and by making a lesser PS2 version Capcom is only stripping it of some of it's greatness).I.CANT.WAIT.

if you dont already have this game then you should go buy it now!!This goes double for you Matt!!
ESRB changes GTA:SA's rating to Adults Only
After extensive investigation by the ESRB and lots of pressure from big name politicians like former 1st lady and now NY senator,Hillary Clinton,Rockstar has changed the rating of San Andreas from MA-17 to AO=adults only.When I first heard about the "Hot Coffee" mod it came from my cousin who I work with.He told me that he downloaded and tried it just for kicks and said that it was VERY graphic.He went on to say that,being a parent himself,he hates to think that there are kids out there trying it(or kids playing that game period).And I totally agree with him.I personally think that the game deserved a AO rating before the mod came out.I also think that game store clerks should face some kind of legal punishment for selling games to kids not old enough to buy them,the same way a clerk that sales alcohol or a pack of cigs' to a minor would face punishment.But thats a whole other topic entirely.Anyway,what I think is funny is that back when it first broke and Rockstar gave their "official" statement,they claimed that the mod altered the souce code and that the content you were playing was actually designed by the hackers that broke the code.Ba,I knew that was crap as soon as I read it b/c my cousin told me that the file was waaay too small to include all that.Anyway now that the investigation is over they have changed their tune.There is a good interview over at with some guy from Rockstar talking about the whole mess,if you want to read it then click here.

GTA:SA...some serious bangin' goin' on

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