Sunday, May 20, 2012

Random Stuff Pt. 3 step closer to world domination

Got a link from a friend about an article over at about Valve Software signing a deal with megapublisher EA to have EA publish all of Valve's "console" games.Funny thing is that they mention a "Game of the Year" edition for PC also.The most obvious game being the Xbox version of HalfLife2.I used to do alot of bitchin' about EA gobbling up all these devopers and what not,but to be honest im tired of hating EA.To be fair,having EA publish my favorite games just means that I wont have a problem finding them anywhere.So basically what im saying is that im still just as excited about HalfLife2 for the Xbox as I was before.

Uncertain,the boy's future is.

Just read a very interesting article over at about this kid who's dad just started working for Microsoft.Apparently the guy's dad got to bring home a prototype '360 for testing purposes and the kid starts bragging on forums about it and then posts pics to back up his claim.Im really willing to bet that he is regretting that one big time right about now.Apparently he was really ,really loving the cintroller and the system (and he is a self proclaimed Playstation gamer from what I read).There is more info and pics over at he could play was Halo2 in backward compatibility mode,but apparently it was very cool.I just hope his dad doesnt get fired b/c of his dumbassness.

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Fantasic indeed

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Me and my wife went and saw "Fantastic Four" Saturday.I really liked it although I didnt think it was as good as it could have been.Still really good though.I definately recommend it.

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