Sunday, May 20, 2012

Random Stuff Pt. 2

Weekly What's Up-date

The Bungie Weekly What's up-date for this week is up.Same 'ol stuff,diff week,still funny though.If you want to read it ,click here.

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Got my wig trimmed
Well I finally went and got my hair cut today.Makes me feel lighter,more aerodynamic,if you will.Hopefully it will help keep my head from melting off when im in those hot attics running wires.

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See Matt,your not the only one.

Well we rented and watched "Million Dollar Baby" last night.OMFG.That movie was frikkin' atrocious.How could they screw it up like that ?I mean,it was going sooo great until that point(if you have seen the movie then you know what "point" I am talking about)where it just plummets.I was soooo pissed off that I didnt even want to finish the damn movie.Im sorry but I like happy endings and today's movies just dont seem to have 'em.I can think of a few other movies that ended poorly:1)Coach Karter 2)Friday Night Lights 3)Saw,there are a few more but I cant think of which ones just yet.
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Arrgghh...just thinking about it pisses me off.Man that movie could've been so awesome.Oh well.
Good 'Ol Nintendo
Im starting to fall in love with my Gamecube.I origially bought for no other reason but Metroid Prime.I am a big FPS guy so was thinking Halo on the Gamecube,man I couldnt have been further from the truth(obviously).But,of course Nintendo's well known quality won me over and I played until it was finished.And then I randomly bought games over the couse of the next few years but never really playing it that much(although my son played it alot).And then a a few months ago I got RE4 when it came out and I experienced one of the greatest games ever made.Last week I bought Metroid Prime2 finally and also got Mario Golf,and I must say that everyone in the house has been playing and loving it.So today after work I decide it is time for another memory card and a third controller so we can all 3 play Mario Golf.So I go to my local GameXchange,talk it up with my buds that work there and decide to get a "WaveBird".
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That is the most awesome controller ever!!!That thing works FLAWLESSLY.I have heard that the aftermarket ones for the Xbox and PS2 are crappy,but this thing is topnotch.I highly recommend it to any Gamecube owner.Anyway ,I just seem to want to play nothing but my'Cube here lately.Go figure.
The long lost Ed Fries
Just got through watching an awesome video interview with Ed Fries(for those who dont know he was head of Microsoft Game Studios for years until he left like last year I think ,for reasons unknown,he was the one responsible for Microsoft buying Bungie and Rare among others).It's over at and if you want watch it then click here.Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the version that you want to watch, I would have put up a direct link ,but the website makes it a point to say not to do that.It's about 30 minutes long but definately worth the watch.Check it out.

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