Sunday, May 20, 2012

PS3's GPU slightly WEAKER than Nvidia 7800!?!?

I just got through reading that an Nvidia spokesperson was quoted as saying that their RSX gpu will be a slightly weaker version of the 7800.In case your not in the know,the RSX is the PS3's graphics chip.

Now im not gonna sit here and instigate any fanboyism or negativity towards the PS3.I have posted anti-Sony,fanboyish things in the past,but I am trying to rise above all of that.With that said I hope that what this person from Nvidia said is not true.

Back when E3 was going on and Nvidia was dishing out all the juicy details about the RSX,one of the things that they said was that the RSX would be as powerful as two 6800 ultras running in SLI.I know that various tests from various sources have all seen graphically demanding games such as Doom3,Farcry and HalfLife2 running better on one 7800GTX than they did on two 6800ultras running in SLI.

So Nvidia has done what they said with the RSX if you look at it from that point.The problem with that is that usually when a new game console comes out,the hardware is at least a year ahead of current pc's.But if the PS3 launches a year from now with the RSX less powerful than a 7800GTX then it will be behind the game.

That would be a mistake for Sony considering the technology in Xenos(the Xbox360's GPU) wont be available on pc's until late 2006.I would like to say that Sony is smarter than that and wouldn't let the PS3 ship with an outdated GPU,but in this industry you never really know.What I do know is that if Sony launches a year after Microsoft with a less powerful machine then things wont look good for them.But im sure that they wont let that happen.

Here is a list of links if you would like to read more into this subject yourself:
Xbox Scene


Apparently the magazine article that this was quoted from was misread.TeamXbox apparently was contacted by Nvidia after posting their previous article about the RSX being less powerful than the 7800GTX.Here is how the article actually reads:

There's no doubting that NVIDIA's new 7800GTX is the ultimate in PC graphics technology. The card's G70 GPU, which is more than twice as powerful as two of NVIDIA's previous top-of-the-line 6800 boards, shares a lot of similar workings with the PS3's RSX chip - only it isn't as fast. Oh, and it retails for $599.

Im thinking now that the person who originally posted this was an Xbox fanboy/girl and read what they wanted to read.Never the less,I am happy that the runors were not true since I plan on buying a PS3 when it launches.

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