Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chaos Ensues

I dont know where to start.Hundreds,maybe thousands dead.Thousands upon thousands homeless.People starving.People getting killed/murdered.Women getting raped.Bodies laying dead on the sides of rodes and freeways.Sharks,alligators and poisonous snakes swimming in the water that survivors are walking through.People standing on the tops of their flooded homes,baking in the 100 degree hot sun,while waiting for help.

This,it saddens me to say,is the harsh reality of New Orleans right now.So what if people are looting,the same people that are looting are also starving to death because our government can't seem to get any help to them.It's human nature to get cranky when your hungry,so how do you think people should act when they are starving to death.Hostile at the very least.People are sitting on sections of interstate ,surrounded with water with nowhere to go.People write large signs pleading for someone to come save them

It really disheartens me to hear stories of how our national guardsman are acting toward these people.And where exactly are the reserves?Where is the help that these people so desperately need?PEOPLE ARE STARVING TO DEATH.Government officials have been promising these people buses for days and they have not showed up.Of course they are angry.These people are fighting for their very survival while the rest of the country sits and watches.

We are even seeing some of the remnants of Katrina here in Shreveport.The price of gas rose 30 cents or more at local gas stations.And the situation didn't get any better when rumors starting flying around that gas stations would be closing down the pumps after 6:00pm.Naturally people panicked and gas stations began to quickly sell out of gas.

There were even reports of fist fights breaking out because people were afraid that there wouldn't be any gas left when their turn came.The sad part is that the stations will get their usual supply of gas tomorrow morning as they always have.I was personally frustrated because I was actually on empty when I left work but couldn't find a place to get gas.Instead I had to wait in line for about thirty minutes, as people who probably had plenty of gas already,filled up.

It's pretty ridiculous how at the slightest hint of disaster,people can go from civilized to mindless animals.I felt pretty bad earlier while eating supper and thinking about all the men,women,children and babies that were starving down there.They could have been more prepared for this,but apparently they didn't think it would be as bad as this.New Orleans residents row a boat down city streets

I witnessed an interview on Fox News earlier today that really disturbed me.This man says that back in 2000 he went to the president and congress with a plan to build a special kind of wall around New Orleans that could prevent something like this from happening.Obviously the plan was turned down and today we see what a huge mistake that was.

I am also thinking about and praying for the people in Mississppi that were hit by Katrina.Many,many people in Mississppi died.My heart goes out to them and their families.There were also people who died from tornadoes that were spun off of Katrina.President Bush was quoted as calling this the worst natural disaster in our nation's history.And he's right.They still have no idea what the death toll is since they are having to focus all their attention on saving the living.

My mother told me yesterday that two of her cousins ,whom are nurses,went down there to helpout.Upon arriving one of them became ill as she witnessed a shark feast on the remains of one the many victims.We need to be doing anything and everything we can as a nation to help those people,even if it's no more than including them in our prayers.

a man uncovers the body of a dead man who's dead body has sat there for more than two days

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