Sunday, May 20, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Asta la Vista,Microsoft

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Well I have been away for a few days b/c I acquired the beta version of Windows Vista.After some extensive "use"(and I use that term loosely) with MS's newest operating system I have decided to make the switch to a Macintosh computer.Actually I have wanted one for quite a while but having Vista on my PC for 2 or 3 days really helped to drive that thought home.
When I initially installed Vista the very first thing that I noticed was how OSX'ish(OSX is Apple's operating system which takes adavntage of a Unix core to make it supremely safer) it was.The windows would "fade" in and out and the borders looked as if you were looking through "cloudy" glass.One of the first features I tryed was the new search program (which is a direct ripoff of "spotlight",which is a search engine introduced in the latest version of OSX) since it was the only new "feature" I could find.I decided I would start with something easy so I typed in "Adobe Photoshop",since I had just finished putting this app on my pc I figured that the new search should have no problem finding it.Apparently I was mistaken seeing as how the results came back saying "no files were found".WTF??

Oh yeah,I also lost EVERYTHING that was in the "My Documents" folder when I installed it,which sucked b/c that's where I kept everything.So I decide to do a little web browsing,after I was done I clicked the "x" to close the window,immediately after a window pops up saying"Internet Explorer has stopped,would you like to report this to Microsoft?".So I click "send information" and then another window pops up that says "sending information",and while this is going on another Internet Explorer window opens up showing the "troubleshooting" page at Microsoft's website.So I close out that window and again the "Internet Explorer has stopped ,would you like to send report to Microsoft?" window pops up.WTF!!!!At this point I realize that it is a never ending cycle so I just put the pc on standby.After that each time I was on the web instead of closing it out I would just minimise it down to the taskbar.I tryed to stick it out,I really did,but it ended up being too much to handle.
Now before you go hollering at me about it only being a beta ,let me just say this,I have seen the future of Windows and it is not looking good.Vista is nothing more than a prettied up version of XP.Everything else is still the same 'ole song and dance.So unless Microsoft totally rewrites Vista between now and the time it comes out, then people are in for an unpleasent surprise.And with the rumors about Apple making a deal with Dell to have Dell pc's begin shipping with OSX on them instead of Windows,Microsoft might want to start rethinking their buisness model.And just think,when the new Intel x86 based Macintosh's start coming out next year,you can run both OSX AND Windows if you wanted to.Just a thought.

this is the Mac that I will probably get,cute huh

Bottlecap Mania

Well i've been playing Resident Evil 4 alot lately.Again.I love this damn game.Something that I never did on my first time through is try to get all the bottlecaps at the shooting range.Well I decided to try to get them all today.Ada Wong,she ain't never skeeredI obviously wasn't aware of the magnitude of the task to which I was about to embark upon.After much perseverance and a little luck I was looking at all but one.But that one would be my undoing as it would slowly and methodically taunt me for hours to come.It would mock me with phrases like,"you'll never get me with that kind of shooting you miserable sap!!" and "you must be used to being a little short".Finally I called it an evening and turned the game off vowing to win my final bottlecap another RE4 bottlecap collection,ain't it purty?I tryed to find a pic of some bottlecaps off the web but i was unsuccessful in my attempts.So I just took a pic of my tv screen with a digital camera.It's kinda fuzzy because it's a 13" tv and it's not a real screenshot,but you get the idea.The bottlecaps themselves are pretty cool because when you view them you can zoom in and out and rotate them any which way and they even talk.I know,Im hopeless.I also took a pic of my inventory screen for whatever reason.Just hover your mouse pointer over the pic if you want to know what everything is.Man I love this game.
This is my inventory,if you cant tell what it is that you are looking at then I have a Striker,TMP w/stock,Rifle(semi-auto) w/both scopes,Matilda,killer7 and the Mine Thrower w/scope.ALL of my weapons are upgraded all the way.

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