Monday, May 21, 2012

Nothing To Blog About

As I sit here in front of my computer ,staring at the blog that I posted several days ago,I realize that I have nothing to blog about.I usually try to put up a new one every fews days at the least,but it has been a few days and I am at a loss for subject material.

Do I talk about the things that are going on in the real world?No disrespect to anyone involved in this travesty that is the aftermath of Katrina,but I would like to talk about something a little lighter for a change.I'm tired of listening to all the politicians trying to blame someone for what happened.The fact is that no one person is to blame and that shouldn't be the focus anyway.They need to be focused on what to do moving forward.

Do I talk about the cool new games that are coming out...eventually.It seems as though I've been waiting years for the Xbox version of Half-Life 2 to come out.And let's not forget about Soul Calibur 3,it seems as though it should have been out by now.And the list keeps going:
1)Black(there is also a really cool trailor that you can check out here
2)Ninja Gaiden Black
3)Resident Evil 4(PS2)
4)Final Fantasy XII
5)Stubbs The Zombie
6)Battlefield2:Modern Combat
7)The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess
I could on and on but I'll stop there.

Maybe I could talk about my job.I could talk about how tormenting being a Home Theater Installer can be.I get to hook up and play with thousands,even hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of HDTV's,HD projectors,surround sound recievers,surround speakers,etc.,etc., everyday.And then I go home to my tv speakers.No I dont have a surround sound system and yes I do know that makes me just like the plumber with bad plumbing or the electrician with bad wiring.

Maybe I could talk about how Bungie dropped the ball on Halo2.Why would they want to write code for a totally new game engine when the Halo:Combat Evolved engine was flawless?I have ADHD and because of that I tend to lose interest in things quickly.So I use my condition to judge how good a game is,if it can keep my attention than it can keep anyone's attention.I played Halo 1 almost daily from the time it and the Xbox came out,to the time that Halo2 was released.I can honestly say that at one point I had 5 or 6 profiles where I had beat the game on each difficulty on each profile.I can still pick up Halo 1 and be instantly hooked into playing for hours.I have beat Halo2 twice,with no desire to play it further.Oh,and the multiplayer is broken.

Well I guess if I come up with something to blog about later then I will,until then I'll just continue speculating over what I could blog about.

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