Sunday, May 20, 2012


I just got the new EGM in the mail and I got the 2 of 2 cover with Perfect Dark Zero on the cover.Upon reading it they have this A to Z thingy in there on PDZ.When I got to "J" I was severely disturbed by what I read.Apparently PDZ wont have a "jump" button!?!?!What the fuck is that shit all about?No jump button!!They might as well leave off the friggin' reload button while their at it!!Ya know,its kinda funny too b/c Timesplitters3 was an awesome ,awesome game,easily one the best FPS games I've ever played,but it DIDNT have a jump button either(and ironicly,the developers ofTS3 used to work for Rare and were the original creators of Goldeneye007 on the N64).What is going through their mind's when they decide to NOT put a jump button in the game?Are they smoking fucking crack or something?If there is not a jump button in that game by the time that it comes out then I might not buy the motherfucker.Thats as bad as Polyphony leaving online play,realtime car damage & customization features out of GT4 when every damn racing game for last several years has has ALL of those features.MORONS.Well I guess its back to waiting for the next installment on Halo.So much for the "new and innovative".IDIOTS,GAWD!!

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