Wednesday, May 23, 2012

MY PS3 and Me.

Sony and it's new baby,the PlayStation3,can't seem to catch a break lately.It seems like the only press the PS3 has been able to get is bad press.But is there any merit to that bad press?I used to think so,regardless of the fact that I didn't own one.But with Sony's arrogant stance on the competition,the high price of the PS3,games not living up to the early CG movies we saw and the apparent "ripping off" of the competition it was hard to not be down on Sony and the PS3.But now,six months after the PS3's release I finally bought one and I must say that I've been questioning the merit of all that bad press.
First thing I want to do is address some things that were outright wrong.I remember reading somewhere that the SixAxis had to be plugged in every time the machine was turned on.Not true at all,you just pick up the SixAxis,hold down the PS button and the PS3 powers up,voila.I also remember reading that the PlayStation Network did not do background downloading or queing up of downloads.I'm here to report that it does both rather well.It also has pretty much all the same community type features that XboxLive has and it's free.
Now I'm gonna talk a little bit about some features that don't get enough press.The PSP connectivity,for instance, is awesome.When connected your PS3 is literally on your PSP's screen.You can navigate your PS3's cross media bar and view any video's or pictures stored on your PS3 using your PSP.Obviously you can't play PS3 games on your PSP,but that's about where the limit is.The PS3's web browser is another feature that doesn't get enough attention.While not as feature rich as Firefox,it gets the job done.And it does it from the comfort of your couch.The Blu Ray player is something I didn't realize I wanted until I had it,now I couldn't live without it.The picture blows regular DVD away.The fact that the PlayStation Network doesn't use a point system for online purchases should be getting loads of praise.When your paying in normal dollars and cents,your ass tends to hurt less after you make a purchase.
I could literally go on and on about the things that I like about the PS3.It's kind of weird to spend so much time on the "bash Sony" bandwagon only to find out that the PS3 is an awesome machine.It doesn't help either that I feel burned by Microsoft (In case you haven't read my earlier blogs,I'm on my 3rd Xbox360 while there is a broke one sitting next to me that Microsft refuses to replace).
No,the PlayStation3 does not suck.To be honest I went the whole weekend without playing the Halo3 beta because I was too busy playing with my PS3.Whisper quiet,sleek and sexy look and gobs of power=happy gamer.And since games like Ninja Gaiden Sigma,Lair,Heavenly Sword,Socom Confrontation and Uncharted:Drake's Fortune are right over the horizon,I couldn't be happier.
The only full game I have at the moment is Resistance:Fall of Man.I'm shocked that this game didn't get better reviews,it's an amazing game.The controls feel really good,the graphics are great and the scope always feels huge and makes you really feel like your involved in a massive conflict.The reason that I pointed out that Resistance is the only full game that I have is because I've also been playing several demos that I downloaded.The best one is the Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo which has sold me on the game.The new dual katanas,subtle interface changes and mindblowing graphics mean that I won't mind playing through the same game a fourth time(or is it fifth?).The other demo is the MotorStorm demo.It's really fun and the grahics are amazing,I'm definately gonna buy the full game.The last one is Gran Turismo HD.First let me just say that the graphics look real,that's how awesome they are.Graphically it blows Forza2 away.
Well that raps up my PS3 experience so far,I'll write something up when I've finished Resistance.

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