Sunday, May 20, 2012

Love/Hate Relationships

Nintendo love/hate's Capcom:
And why should'nt they?Capcom has made amazing games for the big N's consoles throughout the years and in my opinion helped Nintendo to strive.Just look at all the amazing and groundbreaking games we have seen from Capcom on Nintendo's consoles throughout the years,way more than I have room to list here.But,on the flipside Capcom has also severely screwed Nintendo more than once through the years too.Most recently being the announcement of Resident Evil 4 for the PS2.
Nintendo payed Capcom big money for the Resident Evil "numbered games" only to have Capcom release a remake of the first RE and the some shoddy prequel only to top it off with a bunch OLD ASS PORTS.But then,just when Nintendo thought they had been royally bamboozled,Capcom releases RE4 and it's everything we knew it could be and then some.But before the Nintendo execs even had a buzz from the party champaigne,Capcom pulled out Leon's big field knife(the one that has "insert into back" written on it) and jammed it to the hilt into the big N's back!!OUCH!!
Now let's not forget (or have we....)that this is not the first time that Capcom has done this very thing to Nintendo.Back in the '90's when Street Fighter II was an arcade phenomenon,the race was on to see who could get it on their console first.Now,anyone who didnt sleep through their Video Game History 101 class will remember that Nintendo outpaced Sega and signed over a big honking pile of cash to to have Street Fighter II made for the SNES exclusivel.

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Now if your thinking to yourself,"I thought the Genesis had a version of Street Fighter II",you are correct.Capcom found a "loophole" in their contract with Nintendo that said that they could not bring any Street Fighter game with the same name(s) as the arcade version(s) to another home console.So then Capcom gave us Street Fighter II:"Special" Champion Edition,which also gave you the ability to raise or lower the speed of the game(as in the "Turbo" edition).So is Nintendo just a glutten for punishment or do they keep hoping Capcom will repent their sins and do Nintendo justice?Who knows.

Capcom love/hate's Nintendo:
I would have to say that Capcom loves Nintendo and their consoles because of the great games they have always made for them.Plus Nintendo only trusts one developer enough to allow them to make Zelda games and that's Capcom.
Plus the only systems that Capcom always truly shines on is Nintendo's.And this ,my friends,is the same reason Capcom hates Nintendo.Not since the 16 bit days of the SNES has it been really profitable to make games for a Nintendo console.Why else do you think we constantly see them make a great game for a Nintendo machine only to eventually port to another,more profitable console.Just like everyone else in this buisness,Capcom is in it to make money.Ultimately I really dont see their realtionship ever changing either.
GameCube versionPS2 version with new gun

I love/hate Capcom:
As I have said in other posts,I come from "the fighting game generation".Dont get me wrong,I grew up playing video games(my fist system was an Atari 5800),but I was at that young,preteen age when Street Fighter II first came out.It was like crack,there was a local bowling alley a few blocks up from my street and me,my cousin and my best friends would all go up there every day to plunk as many quarters as we were able to beg out of our parents into that machine.I remember how frustrating it was at first trying to do the special moves.But the payoff was unmatched.Going up there on a Friday or Saturday night when all the "older" kids were up there with their girlfriends ,shooting pool and attempting to look "cool" ,only to have their asses handed to them by someone half their height on Street Fighter II.It was poetic.I loved Capcom.But after a few years I noticed that we were'nt getting any real sequels to this god of all games.Street FighterII,Street Fighter II:Champion Edition,Street Fighter II:Hyper Fighting,Super Street Fighter II:The New Challengers,Super Street Fighter II Turbo,etc.,etc.WTF?!?!EGM commonly took stabs at Capcom's inability to count to 3,we all laughed and made fun but deep down we were wondering why the hell Capcom wouldnt give us a real sequel.They tested the waters with Street Fighter EX,but we all remember how that went.I wont even go into my disappointment over Street Fighter 3 being 2D.I know Capcom has the ability to make an AMAZING 3D Street Fighter,so why wont they do it?One other thing that has recently made me love/hate Capcom is the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4.At first I hated them because I felt like they were screwing the big N,hard(and they are)but also taking away from the greatness of RE4 by releasing an inferior PS2 version.Now I love/hate them because I have read that the PS2 version will have new weapons and who-knows what other new stuff,so now I have to buy it.Damn you Capcom.

I love/hate Nintendo:
Nintendo is, in alot of ways,the grandfather of the game industry.Back when they were saying all those things about the direction the game industry needs to be going in and the direction the game industry is going in,I was one of the first to curse them.Graphics dont matter?Story does'nt matter?"What the hell is this guy talking about?",I thought to myself.But now that the "next-gen system wars" are starting to really heat up,I am beginning to see the wisdom in his words.The game industry is too caught up in graphics and processing power these days.Back when I was a kid we didnt know ANYTHING about the internal components of our favorite game machines.The only thing we knew was that we loved the games.There was a larger quantity of quality games for both sides back then.Nowadays those two words dont even belong in the same sentence.I love and respect Nintendo because I believe that they care for the game industry in a way that Sony and Microsoft could'nt even begin to understand.I have a MUCH smaller collection of GameCube games than either of the other two,but there are more good or great games in my GC collection than in the other two combined.Nintendo has always been about quality over quantity and it shows.
But what about a GC sequel to SuperSmashBros. or a real Mario game?What about a real sequel to StarFox or DonkeyKongCountry?What about Online play?I realize that not everyone has broadband,but alot of people do have it,and they want to play Nintendo games online with their friends.Whatabout a new GameBoy(and no,the GameBoy Micro DOES NOT COUNT)?I mean,the DS is cool and all,but the GameBoy is the rightful ruler of the Nintendo handheld lagacy.Why not let 3rd party manufacturers make HD cables for the GameCube?I could go on and on but I think I'll stop here.I love Nintendo and Capcom ,and they obviously have at least a buisness relationship or else they wouldnt still be making games together.I just wanted to get that off of my chest.Thanx for reading if you managed to make it this far.

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