Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I saw the Halo movie.........in 1986!!!!!

I LOVE the core!!!

Just a quickie here(I'm gonna be posting a much needed REAL post tomorrow),I watched Aliens last night for the first time in years.After watching it I realized that the entire story for the first Halo game was a complete ripoff!!I mean,I knew that Bungie had said that they were fans of the "Alien" movies,but I had no idea how blatently they had ripped them off.No wonder everyone liked the story from the first game so much,it was based on a movie that they already knew and loved.Everything right down to the armor piercing,explosive rounds that the marines use is ripped from that movie.It's crazy.If you are thinking that I'm crazy right about now then I dare you to do some research on Halo's story and then go watch Aliens,believe me when I say that it will scare you.

On a more positive note,I got my Dragon Quest VIII demo disc in the mail today(thanx Matt).I haven't played it yet,but I plan to check it out tomorrow.I'm hoping that it's good enough to warrant a purchase seeing as there is a demo of Final Fantasy XII on the game disc.

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