Tuesday, May 22, 2012

the Clerk,the Bagboy & the Rocket Scientist

So back when the Xbox360 "kiosks" starting appearing at local Wally Worlds,I was quickly anticipating my next trip there.i couldn/t wait to play the much hyped,much anticipated "next-gen console".Before I continue let me just say that i ahve been playing all of my Xbox games in 480p on my HDTV for the past couple of years and can quickly tell if a game is in HD or not.(not to mention the fact that I deal with HDTV's on a daily basis for my job)
Now I downloaded and played the PC demo of Call of Duty 2 well before the Xbox360 kiosks began popping up.I should also add that I played the PC version demo many times.Even on my crappy PC the looked amazing.So when I walk up to the Xbox360 in Wally World and watch someone playing Call of Duty 2 on it I was shocked at how blurry the graphics looked."There's no way that's hooked up HD",I said.But everything I had read on the internet said that the setup for the kiosks was idiot proof.Needless to say I was disappointed.
Fastforward to last night,I get off work and decide to go to BestBuy and pickup a new DVD.As i'm walking through the store I pass the Xbox360 kiosk,but don't really pay much attention at first,but then something catches my eye.I stop and watch some guy play for a moment and immediately understand that the term "idiot proof apparently does not apply to Wal-Mart employees.The game looked simply astounding.It really is amazing how much of a difference a great resolution can make.I was compelled to sit and watch someone play through a demo that I myself had already played through many,many times.
I guess the moral to this story is that if you are a bonified genius then you should go work at Wal-Mart because they hire people like you everyday.Thank you Wally world employees,for giving me this opportunity to bask in your ignorance.

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