Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Calm Before the Storm

Well seeing as how E3 is almost upon us ,there really is'nt much to talk about.It's like this every year right before E3.

So I sent my '360 off to Microsoft Tuesday and should get it back late next week sometime(if the rep at Microsoft's predictions are correct).Since I can't play Oblivion I decided to finish beating Shadow of the Colossus on "Hard mode".It really wasn't that hard,some of the Colossus' had more vital spots,but most were the same.I also beat it 5 hours quicker this go round since I already knew what to do for each one.Tomorrow I'm gonna start the "Hard Time Attack mode" so as to get all the unlockable items.I would like to also beat the game consecutively enoungh times so that my grip meter will be large enough to clime the shrine and reach the secret garden at the top.Not to mention the fact that I would also like to unlock the "white Agro & the brown Agro".

Moving on....

I'm still playing Socom3 as much as I can.I actually just got through playing a few minutes ago.I love that game.I love the atmosphere the most though,the fact that most of the peeps that play are adults and act as such.No getting cussed out by kids that are still in middle school.I love the fact that the only folks that you can talk to during a game are your own teammates.My son wanted to play Halo2 online the other day so I decided to play a game.Big mistake,it took all of about 3 minutes to remember why I LOVE Socom 3 online and HATE Halo2 online.The shit talking,the respawns,the bullshit kills,the inconsistant weapons,it's all too chaotic and unorganized for me.There's really no sense of teamwork in Halo2,sure there is a little in some games,but after playing Socom3 for so long I have a knew found respect for and knowledge of what "real teamwork" is.

I also plan on finishing Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory ,Pariah,Unreal Championship2:The Liandri Conflict and possibly Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition:Dante's Awakening.I also need to buy God of War(since it's a "Greatest Hit" now and therefore only $20 bones),Kingdom Hearts 2,Toca Race Driver3 and something else but I can't remember what.Final Fantasy 12 comes out pretty soon So I need to get everything else out of the way so that I have plenty of time to be consumed by it.

And last but not least,I would like to say that A & W root beer is teh pwnerer,fa reelz yo.

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