Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Add another to the list.

Well I just finished Ghost Recon:Advanced Warfighter(GRAW for short....even though I HATE it when everyone calls it that...guess I'm giving in to the "status quo") and I must say that it is the best tactical shooter I have ever played.The funny thing is that I haven't played many tactical shooters before because I don't usually have the patience for them.

I read in EGM(I think it was Che that said it) that to not play through the game on the hardest difficulty setting is to do a disservice to one's self.Well,seeing as how I'm not one to disservice myself,I had to play through on the hardest setting.After doing so I have to admit that had I played through it on the easier setting I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much.

The realism is unmatched ,we're talking 1 to 2 shots and you(or your enemy)are dead.I love it .I've always loved games where it was more realistic and didn't take many shots to put down the opposition.Halo2 was pretty good at that,Socom3 is better and GRAW tops them both.I played the multiplayer a little bit but I kept getting dropped out of games for reasons unknown.I read that other people were having this problem as well.

I actually really enjoy playing "team elimination" by myself.In that game it basically puts you,by yourself, against 40 AI drones.And you only get 3 lives.As I'm sure everyone has already heard,the graphics kick much heiny(that's right,I said it!!).I especially like that you can turn the cross-com HUD off in multiplayer because you can see more of the purty graphics that way.

The sad thing is that one of the reasons that I was anxious to finish GRAW was because I want to start MGS3:Subsistance.Eager to finish one game so I can start another,I'm such a geek,er,gamer.Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion comes out tomorrow.Which kinda sucks because I can't start that until I finish MGS3:Subsistance.So many games to play ,so little time.

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