Friday, May 18, 2012

Paperback Crack

Got the new EGM in the mail today,awesome as usual.Nice SoulCalibur3 preview,nice to EGM podering the same things as me about the ps2 exclusivity deal.HUGE PSP article(although not a whole lot of info on the problems that it seems to be plagued with)with reviews of all the launch games.I have to disagree with Shoe's editorial though,although I am by no means a Nintendo fanboy(although I do own a GameCube)I must say that I dont think that it should be counted out just b/c of it doesnt have Sony's name power.I know that all the gamemedia,manufacturers,developers,etc.,etc, want to see the game industry accepted by the casual or "non"gamers,but the fact is that those are the same people that will drag this industry that we know and love so much straight down into the gutter!!people who only buy game systems for sports games and the next "be the criminal "game drive me crazy!They dont know anything about the industy and dont care either.These people couldnt care less if the industry flourishes or altogether ends!!These people are also the reason that we have more"true crime's"than we do"final fantasies".Everytime I look up i see another dumbass "streetlife "game.First let me say that I know first hand what REAL streetlife is b/c I grew up in it,and it's definately not a game.ANYWAY,really enjoying the mag and so now im off to go read some more.

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