Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This something that I posted on the 1up boards earlier.After listening to the podcast lastnight I felt compelled to post.If you want to read the forum post you can do so here.But if not then this is what I said:

"I was gonna post this last night after listening to the podcast but was too tired and went to bed.While listening to the podcast(it was my first one ,by-the-way)It appears readily apparent to me that Shane's opinions could cause someone (including yours truly) to think he is sleeping in Sony's camp.Now I'm all for being realistic and objective,but when you go out of your way to shoot down every positive thing there is about Xbox360 and Xbox Live and then offer up some kinda lame excuse for every negative thing about Sony, then there is nothing you can say that will make me believe you are not a Sony fanboy OR an Xbox anti-fan.

Now I am in noway trying to be rude or out of line ,but after hearing the 'cast last night I think that Shane went out of his way to bash Xbox,Xbox Live and Xbox360.As far as the number of quality launch games is concerned,I think Microsoft is doing fine when you compare the '360 launch to say,the PS2 launch.The PS2 didn't have crap in the first year of it's existance.It was getting ripped a new one by the Dreamcast as far as the quantity of quality games goes.Now I myself own all of the consoles and play all of them. I actually play my PS2 the most as of late because I am a HUGE Socom3 fan (Shadow of the Colossus is the sh*t). But before I ever bought my PS2 all I had was my Xbox and my Gamecube.I was a huge Xbox Live fan and when I started playing Socom2 I HATED the online setup and even though I stil play Socom3 almost everynight I still HATE the online setup.

I would absolutely love it if Sony came out with an Xbox Live calibur service that was free,but let's be realistic.A "watered down version of Xbox Live" would basically be what Live was in the beginning and it still wasn't free.The fact is that if it took Microsoft,a company that specializes in affairs of the internet,this long to get it right,then it is really arrogant for Sony to say that they could do it just as good on their first attempt.Not to mention thinking it would be free.If anything I think Sony will maintain their current "free" system but also have a new "Xbox Live" style system that we will have to pay for.The fact is that Microsoft does have impossibly deep pockets and Sony has been in the redzone for sometime now.They are gonna be losing alot of money on the PS3 if they sell it at a reasonable price.And if they come out at a $600.00 price point then I will be the first to say that it will lose to the 360.Period.The majority of consoles are bought for kids by their parents and I can tell you right now that when a parent sees a $300.00 Xbox360 and a $600.00 PS3 they won't be buying the PS3.Now I do think that if Sony casn manage a $400.00 price point then they will remain on top.

As far as what Shane said about the PS3's graphics looking alot better than the best 360 games,well that's just a fanboyish comment right there.First let me just assume that Shane doesn't really know much about the technical aspects of video cards.The cards are both very close in terms of raw power but I have read on more than one site(sites that review graphics cards) that the 360's "Xenos" has the edge because of the unified shader pipeline.Also the 360's card was built from the ground up with a console(static hardware specs) in mind.The PS3's "RSX" is just a beefed up PC graphics card that Nvidia said was "as powerful as 2 6800's".But by the time it comes out the PC cards will already be past that point.There is alot more things that must be factored in before one can just say ,"the PS3's card is better", or "the 360's card is better".The fact is that when PS3 launches we are gonna be seeing games that came out almost a year earlier on 360,plus all the reast of the PS3 launch games are gonna be going head to head with 2nd gen 360 games.So to just flat out say that the PS3 games will look alot better than anything on 360 is just ,well, fanboyish.

Now I will be the first one to say that I am more excited about PS3 than I was when I bought my 360 and I plan on buying one on day one.But to think that this generation will be so cut and dry is just not very realistic.I noticed Shane kept saying that Sony was a smart company and that they wouldn't screw up.Well Microsoft too is,obviously a smart company and I don't see them just rolling over for Sony.And we can't forget about the big N.Hell Nintendo might come out and just totally dominate Sony AND Microsoft.You never know."

Well that's itlet me know if you agree/disagree.

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