Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh, So That's Why I Don't Play PC Games

Yesterday when I got to my evening job(valeting),the bartender who is a friend of mine and also a fellow gamer,handed me World of Warcraft along with a "guest pass" card.Now, ive never played a MMORPG before but he is a big Dark Age of Camelot fan and now plays WoW.So im like"cool ill go home and check it out" and then he preceeds to tell me what server to join and all that jazz.So I get up this morning and begin installing it and man does it take a long damn time.Anyway finally after hell has frozen over twice it finishs installing and brings up an accuont creation screen.So I follow the instructions typing in the guest user pass key and then it says that this is a 10 day trial and that after 10 days the game will no longer be playable and that a purchase of the retail game must be made.Ok, I can live with that.But then ,just like you would expect from your fav porn site,BLAM,the account payment screen pops up.Upon reading I realize that they arevery proud of this game b/c it is 14.99 amonth andlikealmost 80.00 for six months.OUCH.I pay Microsoft 50.00 a year for Xbox live and I get to play EVERY online Xbox game there is.Hmmm..also ,since I dont have any money in my account right now(I only have cash)then I cant enter a credit card # either.So I guess I wont be playing that game ,but thats ok b/c the new Halo2 maps come out Monday so I can wait 2 days.

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