Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Halo 3 Wish List

I just got through playing some Halo2 multiplayer with my wife and son and it got me to thinkin' about what I would like to see in Halo3.So I've composed a list.Some of the things on the list have already been confirmed but I'm gonna list those antway.So here it is in no particular order:

This is something that should've always been in Halo in my opinion.I know there are plenty of times when I'm sitting around with friends or family and want to play some Halo multiplayer but there aren't enough people for two teams.Seeing as how this is the last Halo game as we know it Bungie might as well put in all the stuff that folks have been asking about for years.

2.The Fuel Rod Cannon and Flamethrower from Halo PC.

I bought Halo:CE for the PC the day it came out and loved it.I loved the the new maps,the online play and the rocket warthog,but most of all I loved the addition of the Fuel Rod Cannon and the Flamethrower.I would love to see these two excellent weapons make an appearence in Halo3 multiplayer.

3.The Assault Rifle (MA5B)

Now I know that this has kinda been announced already in the form of the new and revised MA5C.I understand them wanting to make a more accurate version of the assault rifle,but I still would rather have the original,un-nerfed version.60 rounds per clip,high ROF(rate of fire),deathly lethal.For those people that say that the original Assault Rifle was useless obviously didn't know how to use it.

4.The Pistol

Now I've seen a couple of leaked videos showing the return of the Halo:CE pistol,but since there hasn't been anything "official" it's hard to say anything about.I'm gonna go ahead and say that they'll almost definately nerf it.When you look at all the people out there that complained about the pistol being "overly powerful" because they sucked at Halo,it seems pretty certain that they would weaken it.They would have to leave the scope on though seeing as how that was a staple of the weapon.I think they could leave it as it was and not be a problem.Hell,a plasma pistol/battle rifle combo kills faster than a pistol (and I've got the video to prove it,just go back 3 or 4 blog post' to watch it),although I'm almost certain Bungie will nerf the PP/BR combo for Halo3.Probably by making you have to wait until the "overheat" animation of the plasma pistol ends before allowing you to switch weapons like in Halo:CE.

4.Different Variations of Warthogs
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I remember well before Halo2 cameout,Bungie telling off about all the things they were gonna implement into Halo2,and one of those was the different types of Warthogs.There were pics of a "snow 'hog" with "snow tracks" instead of wheels.It was all white and had the same function as a regular WartHog ,but the tracks provided better maneuverability on the ice and in the snow.The next was the "jungle 'hog" with jungle camo and bigger tread on the tires.The last new addition was the "troop transport",it was basically a normal Warthog but with a large covered back capable of transporting groups of troops at once.

5.The Ability to Sprint.
This is another one that was promised for Halo2 but never realized.Originally Bungie had said that after running in the same direction for several seconds ,the 'chief would lower his weapon and sprint at almost twice the normal speed.But as sun as you did anything other than run in that direction the 'cheif would return to normal speed.Sounded like a good idea to me.

6.Melee Combo's.
This too,was something that was promised for Halo2.We even saw this one in action in the form of the first live demo of Halo2.Now this one really isn't that important to me ,even though I think it would be a cool feature,I won't be heartbroke if it doesn't make into Halo3.

7.Fully Destructible Enviroments.
We got a little bit of this in Halo2 with certain things being destructible,and I know this is reaching,but wouldn't it be cool if everything was destructible.

8.The Lean.
Another thing that Bungie was gonna put in Halo2 (and was even in that first gameplay livedemo) was the abilty to "lean" around corners without sticking your whole body out there.This would have been a great way to keep from running around a corner into a mob of angry covenant without expecting it.

9.The Ability for Dual-Weildable Weapons to stand on their own.
One thing that I really hated about Halo2 was how the weapons that became dual-weildable were suddenly useless if used on their own.In Halo:CE I could destroy people with the plasma pistol or plasma rifle.Most poeple didn't notice this but in Halo:CE ,if you started tagging someone with a PP/PR they would be "stuck" and couldn't really move very good as long as they were being shot.I called it "plasma shock".This made the weapons able to stand up to the human weapons.In Halo2 though this feature was stripped and using a sinle PP/PR became useless.I really hope bungie fixes this for Halo3.

10.Online CO-OP.
This is something that folks have been asking for since before Halo2 and I really hope it makes it's way into Halo3.

Well that's all I can think of for the moment,although if I think of more then I'll make another list.Later.

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