Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Judging a book by it's cover...

Just got the new EGM , I'm really likin' the cover.Link,the Tri Force and the Wii make a great combo.The story on the Legend of Zelda:The Twilight Princess is really good.I don't think Ill get the Wii version though,I'll probably get the Gamecube version just because I'm not sure if I want to try to play Zelda on the Wii controller,tennis,sword fighting,fishing(yes,I know there is a fishing mini game in Zelda),racket ball,etc.,etc.,.

I really love my Gamecube and want to play a few more great games on it before I give up on it.The rest of the mag was pretty good ,though definatley not the best EGM ever.The only disagreement I have is with their review of Oblivion,in which I would have given it a perfect score since it has singlehandedly revitalised the RPG genre,in my opinion.Brain Age looks really fun (as do alot of other DS titles),but I need to buy another DS before I can play any of them.I would have already bought one but I'm holding out for a DS Lite.

It's a good issue,just not "great",although I have no doubt that next issue (the E3 issue) will be awesome.

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