Sunday, May 20, 2012

Greedy Game Publishers = The Fall of the Game Industry

I keep reading all over the place that the next gen console's games are gonna be as much as $60.00 or more.WTF?!?!Did I miss something?We,being the gamers or the end users,have been paying too much for games for way too long.I keep reading that the game companies are whining about the costs of development and what not.NOT MY PROBLEM.Here's the deal,video games are nowhere near Hollywood scale when it comes to production costs,but yet I can go see a movie at the theater for $8.00 and buy a DVD from Wal-Mart brand new for $15.00 or even less sometimes.Thats not even $30.00.

Now I dont want to hear any of that mess about the differences between the two industries,not when the game industry is always trying so desperately to be like the movie industry.I dont know if everyone forgot about this,but when Sony first came out with the PS1,one of their selling points to me was that the games would be cheaper because cd's are much,much cheaper than cartridges to make.What happened though was Sony realized that people were so used to paying $50.00 for a game that they never even tryed.And why should they have.They are in this industry to make money,make no mistake about it.Same goes with the others to.

So hear we are ,all these years later still paying $50.00 for a new game.But here over the last year or two we have seen the birth of the budget game.At first it was a cool idea,but all the games were usually crap,until Sega started releasing their sports line at $20.00 brand new.I was starting to think that we had finally gotten to the point where game prices would finally start coming down.And then BLAM,they hit us with the announcement of the coming of $60.00+ games.And then I read these guys at the game companies saying things like "gamers are lucky really,they have been paying the same price for games for a decade or more" or "with the constant rise in development costs it only makes sense that we raise the price of games".To those people I say this,dont forget that a big percent of the people buying your games are parents buying them for their kids.These parents already dont like having to spend $50.00 on a game,how do you think they are gonna react when they find out that they have to pay $60.00 or more for a game?Oh sure, the common kid could get a special edition out of their parents for $60.00 simply using the argument that it is a "special edition",but what about when they see that ALL games are this much.

The fact is, I dont mind paying an extra $10.00 for a new Zelda,Halo or GTA game,just not for all games.I keep hearing all the console makers saying that their goal with the next generation is not to get the hardcore gamers or even the casual gamers but to get the non gamers,people who dont play games at all.And you plan on achieving this by raising the current price of games?Great strategy.Well I think I've just about exhausted all of my opinions on this subject so I'll just leave you with this:The development costs of video games are not even in the same ballpark as the development costs of movies and yet movie tickets and dvd's are much cheaper.Despite whatever excuse they may give, that is the fact of the matter.They say that if they make a game that doesnt sell well then they lose alot of money.So ask yourself this question,should we have to pay more for games because the game companies are making loads of crap games that dont sell well because they are not fun?I.DONT.THINK.SO.

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