Tuesday, May 22, 2012

good to be back

Well in case anyone noticed,I've been without internet for about 2 weeks now.I lost it around last tuesday and it I just got it back today.I has been pure agony,I felt as if i were suddednly disconnected from the rest of the world.As a result though I have been playing alot of games lately,more specifically Socom3.I have become addicted to the Socrack.I reallt enjoy the single player as I am currently about to beat it for the second time.I hate that they took away the "lefty" preset,but I guess there's no point in bitching about something that I can't change.the M16,single shot with the high scope and Rifle Laser is the definitive weapon on that game,period.I've got the sniping down but I'm still working on moving and shooting moving targets while trying to avoid being shot all at the same time.It wouldn't be hard if I weren't trying to learn a different controller layout.Well that's all for nowbut I put something else up tomorrow seeing as how I have alot of catching up to do.

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